The AZBio Awards celebrate the individuals and companies who are making an impact on the lives of people in Arizona and around the world. Join the celebration…
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Phoenix Convention Center West Ballroom
3:00 | Student Discovery Zone and Reception
4:00 | Awards Ceremony
5:30 | Life Science Fiesta
- Dinner Buffet
- Student Discovery Zone
- Booths hosted by companies and patient organizations
Awards to be presented:
- AZBio Pioneer Award for Lifetime Achievement
- 2019 Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year
- Jon W. McGarity Bioscience Leader of the Year
- 2019 Public Service Award Honoree
- 2019 Arizona Bioscience Researcher of the Year
- Michael A. Cusanovich Bioscience Educator of the Year
- AZBio Fast Lane Award Honorees
Come see who from the University of Arizona Health Sciences will be recognized with the Arizona Bioscience Researcher of the Year and Educator of the Year awards!
Learn more at:
Other activities for Arizona Bioscience Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 5):
Leading Women: Bioscience & Beyond
- Arizona BioPreneur Conference
- Discovering New Medicines in Arizona
- Cavendish Global Family Office Forum
- Investor & Innovator Reception
Kicking off at the AZBio Awards and continuing for a full day on Oct. 3, the Cavendish Global Impact forum brings together Arizona’s thought leaders and innovators with impact investors and philanthropists.
Learn more at:
Need more information?
Call AZBio: (480) 779-8101 or
Click on images above or documents below for flyers for the Arizona Bioscience Awards or Arizona Bioscience Week activities.
Sharing Our Story
The 40-page special supplement in September/October issue of Az Business Magazine will be mailed in mid-September to 25,000 readers and be viewed by 122,000 online.
Pursuant to AZBio Policy, all persons holding elected office, candidates for office, and members of Congressional Staff are eligible for complimentary registration at any AZBio event in recognition of their service to the people of Arizona.
Flyers for this event:
■ azbio-awards-2019_10-02-19_flyer.pdf
■ azbioweek-2019_flyer_v.2.pdf
Phoenix Convention Center – West Ballroom
100 N. Third St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(Google Maps!)