William D. Lainhart, PhD, D(ABMM)
- Associate Professor, Department of Pathology - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
- Medical Director, Clinical and Molecular Microbiology, Banner UMC, Tucson
Research Interests:
- New diagnostics
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Bacteriology
- Automation
Degrees - BS Biological Sciences: Cornell University, 2000-2004
- MS Biological Sciences: SUNY University at Buffalo, 2005-2007
- MS Epidemiology: SUNY University at Buffalo, 2009-2011
- PhD Biomedical Sciences: SUNY University at Albany, 2011-2015
Honors and Awards - American Society for Microbiology Infectious Diseases Travel Award, ASM Microbe, 2016
- American Society for Microbiology Outstanding Abstract Award, ASM Microbe. 2017
- American Society for Microbiology Infectious Diseases Fellows Program, ASM Microbe, 2017
- Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award, ACLPS 52nd Annual Meeting. 2017
- American Society for Microbiology Outstanding Abstract Award, ASM Microbe, 2018
Fellowship - New York State Emerging Infectious Diseases Postdoctoral Fellowship: Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, 2015-2016
- Medical and Public Health Microbiology Fellowship: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, 2016-2018
Board Certifications - American Board of Medical Microbiology, 2018