Jason E. Toone

  • Clinical Associate Director, Medicine

Jason Toone became a clinical senior business manager for Banner – University Medicine and the University of Arizona Department of Medicine in September 2018. He joined the staff at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson in May 2017 as lead administrative associate with the UA Division of Cardiology and UA Sarver Heart Center and served simultaneously, since December 2016, as a placement representative for Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South clinical facilities. Prior to that, he was a clinical liaison with La Frontera Arizona (2014-16) and unit coordinator with the Tucson VA Medical Center (2012-2014), the flagship hospital for the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System. He also served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a sergeant (2006-12). He holds a master's degree in health administration from the Univesity of Cincinnati and a bachelor's degree in public management from Northern Arizona University.

  • MS (Health Administration): University of Cincinnati, 2015
  • BS (Public Management): Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 2014