General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Tucson Heart & Stroke Walk

Life is why we walk...

Thank you for joining nearly 1 million Americans at 305 events across the country to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. We truly appreciate all our walkers, donors and volunteers who have accepted the challenge. We cannot achieve our mission without each one of you!

Relay For Life of Green Valley Sahuarita

Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The event is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it's time to take action against cancer. Join us at these events to bring communities together to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.

Relay For Life of the University of Arizona

Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The event is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it's time to take action against cancer. Join us at these events to bring communities together to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.

Relay For Life of Cholla High School

Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The event is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it's time to take action against cancer. Join us at these events to bring communities together to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.

DOM Program Directors Share Insights on Incoming Class of 2020 Interns, Residents

Among UA medical students matching into the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus this year were John Dicken (on right in first image and left in second above) and Gilbert Ortega (in middle on right), pictured during Match Day proceedings March 17 in DuVal Auditorium. See more photos at the COM-T Flickr site at this link.

Translational Studies in Cardiovascular Disease, HIV/AIDS Focus of April DOM Research Seminar

Topics for the April 13 presentations in the DOM Research Seminar Series focus on “Bench-to-Bedside Approaches Unravel Inflammatory Mechanisms Underlying Novel Cardiovascular Phenotypes in Sickle Cell Disease” and “The Role of B Cell Follicles in HIV Replication and Persistence.”

Presenters are:


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