General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

No Ifs, Ands, or ‘Butts:’ UA’s Dr. Judith Gordon Developing New Program to Boost Smokers’ Efforts to Quit Tobacco

A new program designed to appeal to men and racial and ethnic minorities who want to quit smoking is being developed by Judith S. Gordon, PhD, professor and interim vice chair for research in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.

Arizona Telemedicine Program to Host Third National Telemedicine and Telehealth Service Provider Showcase Conference, Oct. 2-3 in Phoenix

The Arizona Telemedicine Program (ATP) has labored for two decades to bring innovative telemedicine services into the mainstream as a health-care delivery system in Arizona and around the world. “We’re finally hitting paydirt, the so-called ‘upslope’ of the S-curve for innovation,” said Ronald S. Weinstein, MD, ATP co-founding director.


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