Hematology and Oncology
BioIndustry Organization of Southern Arizona (BIOSA) Networking Mixer
Sharon Hesterlee, PhD, an alum of the University of Arizona Neuroscience GIDP and currently chief research officer at the Muscular Dystro
Cancer Biology GIDP Seminar: ‘Targeting Kynurenine Metabolism in Cancer’
The Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program and UArizona Cancer Center presents the following for the Cancer Biology GIDP Seminar Series lecture:
Immunobiology Seminar: Fungal Exposure & an Overlooked ‘E’ in the Gene-Environment (GxE) Interaction Research
The Department of Immunobiology Seminar Series presents:
“Fungal Exposure: An Overlooked ‘E’ in the Gene-Environment (GxE) Interaction Research”
Presenter Details
Yin Chen, PhD
Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology,
R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy,
University of Arizona
WIMS Friday Frontiers in Biomedical Science Discussion
2024 University of Arizona Cancer Center Annual Scientific Retreat
DOM Research Career Development Workshop: Finding Mentors
Department of Medicine to host fall DEI Mixer, Nov. 4
The Department of Medicine’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee will be hosting a DEI Mixer on Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, 4-7 p.m.