Department of Medicine General Faculty Meeting
Invited guests include Dr. Irving Kron, Interim Dean, UA College of Medicine – Tucson, and Dr. Michael Dake, Senior Vice President, UA Health Sciences.
Invited guests include Dr. Irving Kron, Interim Dean, UA College of Medicine – Tucson, and Dr. Michael Dake, Senior Vice President, UA Health Sciences.
Emerging viruses such as Ebola, SARS and swine flu are familiar sounding, yet seemingly distant diseases to many Americans. But that's not the case with Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus that recently struck close to home and has proven deadly for the elderly.
Join three experts from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) for the free noon seminar, "Translating Lessons Learned from the Gulf Oil Spill and Other Disasters: The NIH Disaster Research Response Program."
Eleven hospitalist physicians have started in the University of Arizona Division of Inpatient Medicine since July 1, with another set to start on Oct. 1.
Scleroderma and vasculitis specialist Alicia Rodriguez-Pla, MD, PhD, MPH, has joined the University of Arizona Division of Rheumatology faculty.
PRESENTER: Inah Kim, PhD, RN, University of Illinois at Chicago
TOPIC: “Sleep Disturbance and Physical Activity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Approach”
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018
1 p.m.
College of Nursing, Room 470
Overwhelming evidence shows bystander chest-compression-only CPR significantly improves survival from a cardiac arrest.
Clara Curiel, MD, professor of medicine and vice chief of the Division of Dermatology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson and director of the UA Cancer Center’s Cutaneous Oncology Program, has been selected by the Arizona Bioindus
CME Credit Provided by the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.
TOPIC: "Using Integrative Interventions to Relieve Chronic Pain in Elders"
SPEAKER: Angela Brown, DNP, MSN, RN; Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Nursing