Hematology and Oncology

Thanks to $1.72M Federal Grant: UA Researchers Using Green Light for HIV-Related Pain as Astonishing Therapy Moves to Next Phase of Study

After proving surprisingly beneficial in human clinical trials at the University of Arizona for the treatment of pain resulting from fibromyalgia and migraines, green light therapy now will be tested in a preclinical study to determine if it successfully can control HIV-related neuropathic pain.

Faculty Development Seminar: ‘Leading Past Change Fatigue’

Faculty Development Seminar Series - Session #2:

WHERE: Kiewit Auditorium (UA Cancer Center, UAHS Campus)
DATE: Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018
WHEN: Noon - 1 p.m.

Stephen W. Gilliland, PhD
Peter and Nancy Salter Chair in Healthcare Management
Professor of Management and Organizations
Executive Director, Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare
UA Eller College of Management


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