Hematology and Oncology

Don’t Know What You’ve Been Missing on ‘Workplace’ App? Check here to see posts, video, photos and catch up!

UA image collage from Workplace by Facebook posts

UA image collage from Workplace by Facebook posts If you’ve turned off your notifications and haven’t checked your Workplace by Facebook through the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson website recently, you’ve been missing out on first notices about a number of happenings around campus.

Hispanic Heritage Month: "The Fate of DACA Doctors"

The UAHS Hispanic Center of Excellence cordially invites you to discuss the status and implications of the announced termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the effect on our students and workforce. After a short film about healthcare providers affected by the termination of this program, the UA Immigrant Student Resource Center and Pre-health Dreamers, will provide legal context and students will share their perspectives on the impact of the program’s termination on immigrant students and their families.


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