Hematology and Oncology

Medicine Grand Rounds

TOPIC: “The Impact of the Vagus Nerve on Cardiovascular Health and Longevity”
SPEAKER: Richard L. Verrier, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard’s H.T. Chan School of Public Health; Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and Cardiovascular Division, Harvard Thorndike Electrophysiology Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston


Nutrition and Health Conference 2017

Spend three days in May with us at 14th Annual Nutrition & Health Conference: State of the Science and Clinical Applications, sharing nutrient-rich and tantalizing meals with like-minded learners in sunny Phoenix, Arizona and gathering insights on nutrition, prevention and healthful living from internationally recognized researchers, clinicians, educators, authors and che

PCOA Talks: Part 2 - Be a Successful Member of your Health Care Team

Join the Pima Council on Aging at the Tucson Jewish Community Center for the first of a two-part, FREE educational talk.

Mismanagement of common prescriptions and over the counter medicines can result in dangerous complications. We’ll talk about easy steps to reduce your risks of mismanagement or accidental poisoning from medications, and ways to work more closely with your health care team. Make it a priority to put your health first and learn how to be YOUR OWN BEST ADVOCATE!


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