Hematology and Oncology

2017 Solidarity Day

Join us for our annual Solidarity Day "human chain" and performance by Docapella - also featured will be speaker Dr. Randy Friese, Professor of Surgery, Dr. Andreas Theodorou, Chief Clinical Education Officer, Dr. Charles Cairns, COM-T Dean, and Tom Dickson, CEO Banner UMC Tucson and South. 

BUMG Faculty Town Hall in Tucson

BUMG leaders will host a monthly town hall in Tucson on the fourth Thursday of each month to update Tucson providers on issues affecting the practice plan. 

Jason Bezozo, Banner Health’s vice president for Government Relations, will be a guest speaker at the next Town Hall on Thursday, Feb. 23, in COM-T Classroom 2117. 

The first such meeting was held Jan. 26 and covered 2016 finances and other hot topics. BUMG physicians can check the BUMG Wildcat Connection e-newsletter for a link and password to view archived video of that event.

Drs. Zangeneh, Ampel Present at Mayo Scottsdale’s ‘Update on Infectious Diseases for Primary Care’

Tirdad T. Zangeneh, DO, FACP, a University of Arizona associate professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and associate program director for the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus, was one of two UA-affiliated physicians to speak at a Mayo Clinic conference in January.

‘Tame Your Pain...An Inside Look at Conventional and Alternative Therapies for Pain Management’ Subject of UA Arthritis Center Lecture, March 1

More than 100 million Americans—about a third of the population—suffer from chronic pain. More people are affected by chronic pain than by heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, and at a cost of more than $600 billion a year in medical treatments and lost productivity. A free presentation, “Tame Your Pain ...


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