Hematology and Oncology

“Feeding Your Genome – Precision Nutrition and Health” - UA Department of Nutritional Sciences Conference

Join the University of Arizona Nutritional Sciences Department—an academic unit of the UA College of Agriculture and Life Sciences—for its Frontiers in Nutritional Sciences Conference on Feb. 22-24, 2017, in Tucson at the UA Student Union Memorial Center Grand Ballroom.

‘60 Minutes’ Airs Spotlight on Banner Alzheimer’s Research, Clinical Trial

Did you catch CBS “60 Minutes” broadcast on Alzheimer’s disease and the Banner clinical trial on Nov. 27?

If you saw the show, you heard how the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute (BAI) is helping lead the way to a future without Alzheimer’s through the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative, an international collaborative formed to evaluate the most promising therapies as quickly as possible.

Sarver Heart Center 30th Anniversary Lecture Series: ‘Thinking from the Heart: How to Protect the Brain in Patients with Heart Disease,’ Dec. 14

Cognitive impairment is too often one of the unwanted long-term side effects of advanced heart disease, affecting about 68 percent of people with heart failure. After bypass surgery, about half of patients also experience cognitive impairment.

Research shows that what is good for the heart also is good for the brain. This includes lifestyle choices, such as a mostly plant-based Mediterranean Diet, exercise and life-long learning. Research also cites well-controlled blood pressure as a way to protect the brain. But there is so much more we don’t understand.

'Z-Factor' to Explore Sleep, Learning Link

By looking at the connection of the two, a UA-led project headed by Dr. Michelle Perfect, an associate professor in the UA College of Education has significant implications for STEM recruitment and retention, as well as family engagement and teacher development. Her team’s efforts are reinforced by a $1.2 million National Science Foundation grant and additional funding from the American Diabetes Association to look at the impact of sleep woes on diabetic children.

Modern Hunter-Gatherers Show Value of Exercise for Heart Healthy Lifestyle

University of Arizona anthropologist Dr. David Raichlen discovered that the Hadza, an indigenous ethnic group in Tanzania, meet the U.S. government's weekly physical activity recommendations in only two days. His study of this group offers insights for medical professionals on exercise and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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