Hematology and Oncology

Department of Medicine Docs Grab Ink Throughout 2016 in Tucson Lifestyle

In addition to a post earlier this week about the inclusion of University of Arizona gastroenterologist John Cunningham, MD, a Tucson Lifestyle article about digestive ailments and what to do about them, several other articles in the magazine have featured physicians from the UA Department of Medicine this year that haven’t been reported about 'til now.

UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence Celebrates 20th Anniversary with New Website Launch

This year the University of Arizona Valley Fever Center for Excellence celebrates its 20th anniversary since its establishment in 1996. The center was created by the Arizona Board of Regents to further advance the research and eradication of Valley Fever as well as to develop public awareness for the disease. The incapacitating, sometimes-fatal respiratory illness is caused by the Coccidioides species of fungus, endemic primarily to soils of the U.S. Southwest and border states in Mexico.

Sarver Heart Center 30th Anniversary Lecture Series: “Beating Your Odds Against Stroke: An update on prevention, treatments and acting FAST to preserve your brain”

Every year about 800,000 people suffer a stroke in the United States. Significant risk factors include atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm disorder) and hypertension (high blood pressure). Treating these conditions can significantly reduce the risk of first or recurrent stroke. What else should you do to lower stroke risks and what happens when a person has a stroke?


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