Hematology and Oncology

UA Skin Cancer Expert Available to Speak on Melanoma Diagnosis, Treatment and Survival

[Lee D. Cranmer, MD, PhD]

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, with an estimated 3.5 million new cases diagnosed each year — more than all other cancers combined. Former President Jimmy Carter’s melanoma diagnosis, resonates in Arizona, where skin cancer rates rank among the highest in the world.

There are two categories of skin cancer, nonmelanoma skin cancer and melanoma. Nationally, one in five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. The American Cancer Society has indicated that Arizona sees approximately 1,400 new cases of melanoma each year.

Umbreen Arshad Rozell, MD

BS in Biological sciences with a minior in English, University of California, Davis

Board Certifications: 
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine, Oncology
American Board of Internal Medicine, Hematology

Internal Medicine, SUNY Upsate 

Abhijeet Kumar, MD

Profession Interests:
Immunotherapy and resistance to immune checkpoint inhibition in lymphoid malignancies, modalities to overcome late relapses in patients with localized DLBCL, clinical trials using combination of aurora kinase inhibition and BTK or downstream signaling inhibition as an modality for relapsed refractory double hit double protein or ABC subtype DLBCL ; Mechanisms Resistance to immune checkpoint inhibition in  sarcoma.

Andrew S. Kraft, MD

Andrew S. Kraft, MD, is the Sydney E. Salmon endowed chair and director of the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Dr. Kraft also also serves as associate vice president for oncology programs for the UA Health Sciences Center; professor of medicine in the Department of Medicine’s hematology/oncology section; and senior associate dean for translational research in the College of Medicine.


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