Hematology and Oncology

Paving a path for Valley fever research, treatment, prevention

[John Galgiani, MD, at the Valley Fever Center for Excellence in the Medical Research Building on the University of Arizona Health Sciences’ Tucson campus.]

John Galgiani, MD, at the Valley Fever Center for Excellence in the Medical Research Building on the University of Arizona Health Sciences’ Tucson campus. He founded the center in 1996.

Each year, about 150,000 people in the United States contract Valley fever, a fungal infection in the lungs. Nearly two-thirds of those infections happen in Arizona. For decades, there has been some mystery surrounding Valley fever, especially when it comes to understanding why some people get sick but not others.

Life & Work Connections: Flu shot clinic

In collaboration with the Arizona Department of Administration Benefits and the Healthwaves corporate wellness team, Life & Work Connections offers free flu shot clinics on campus each year.

These clinics are open to benefits-eligible University of Arizona employees and all dependents covered by their medical plans, including spouses and children age 4 and older. University retirees are also welcome.

Registration is required, as is a flu shot consent form.


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