

Research activities are key to the overall mission of the Division to be a center of excellence for translational research. We strongly believe in an individualization of research tracks for our fellows and mould research activities to the strengths and interests of our fellows.  Our faculty has a wide range of research interests that our fellows can choose from which are described below.


The medical curriculum within the Division of Nephrology and the University of Arizona includes educational and training opportunities for fellows, residents, and medical students alike. 

Message from the Chief

Welcome to the Division of Nephrology in the University of Arizona, College of Medicine - Tucson. We are proud that U.S. News & World Report has ranked our program in the top 50 in the country (20182016, 2015) and continues to rate us as high performing for patient care. As the only academic division of nephrology in the state of Arizona, our goal is to provide high quality clinical nephrology care to our patients, to develop innovative and topical research programs that will impact upon the care that we deliver to our patients, and to be a teaching and training resource to our community...

Bekir Tanriover, MD, MPH, MBA, FAST
Chief, Division of Nephrology


The Division of Nephrology in the University of Arizona Department of Medicine and Banner University Medical Center – Tucson has active programs in clinical nephrology, teaching and training of fellows and residents, and a range of research opportunities. An important focus of the division is to emphasize translational and multi-disciplinary programs that truly go from bedside to bench to bedside in advancing patient care solutions.


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