
UA College of Medicine – Tucson Dean Steve Goldschmid Accepts New Executive Clinical Practice Role with AHSC and UA Health Network

[Steve Goldschmid, MD]

Steve Goldschmid, MDSteve Goldschmid, MD, who has served as dean of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson since July 2009, has been appointed associate vice president for clinical affairs at the Arizona Health Sciences Center.

UA Sarver Heart Center Presents ‘How Clinical Research has Revolutionized Care of Women and Men with Cardiovascular Disorders’

[Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD]

WHAT:  Green Valley Lecture Series with cardiovascular specialist from the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center
In cooperation with Green Valley Recreation, Inc.

WHEN:   Thursday, March 20, 2014, at 10 a.m.

WHERE:  Canoa Hills Social Center, 3660 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley


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