Translational and Regenerative Medicine
‘Fighting Fire With Food: An Expert's Inside Look at Nutrition and Inflammation...What Does the Science Say?,’ Subject of UA Arthritis Center Lecture, Sept. 6
Inflammation affects all of us as we age. Painful joints in arthritis, artery-clogging plaques that can cause heart disease, damaged tissues that can become cancerous—excessive, chronic inflammation underlies each of them. This has led to widespread interest in dietary strategies, lifestyle choices and supplements that may reduce inflammation.
Monthly Research Seminar Series
TOPICS: "Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) Induced Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance" & "RAGE-Induced Changes in the Proteome of Alveolar Epithelial Cells"
Dr. Heddwen Brooks Wins $1.53M NIH Grant to Study Post-Menopausal Hypertension in Women
National Institutes of Health Awards $4.8 Million to UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence to Develop Vaccine
The Valley Fever Center for Excellence (VFCE) at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson has been awarded a four-year, $4.8 million grant for research to speed development of a vaccine to combat Valley fever, the sometimes deadly respiratory illness caused by Coccidioides spores found in soils of the U.S. Southwest.
UA Integrative Medicine Residency Program Flourishes
When Dr. Victoria Maizes started practicing medicine in northern California, it was not unusual for patients to ask her about complementary medicine — that is, combining conventional medicine with non-mainstream approaches to treatment, such as diet, exercise, pain management and meditation.
UA/Banner Respiratory Therapy Team Takes Statewide Award
Kevin Marr, RRT, CPFT, BSIT, MBA, director of respiratory care services at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South campuses, had the honor of announcing last week that the Banner – UMC Tucson Respiratory Therapy team was named the AzSRC Respiratory Therapy Department of the Year.
Positive Airway Pressure Therapy Could Reduce Hospitalizations for COPD Patients, says UA Study
A report picked up in July by several news outlets quotes UA professor of medicine and interim pulmonary chief Sairam Parthasarathy, MD, about a recently published retrospective study he led that suggests sleep medicine therapy may help reduce hospitalizations among COPD patients.
NIH Awards $4.8M Grant to UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence to Accelerate Vaccine Development
UA Center on Aging Awarded Grant to Continue End-of-Life Education with Medical Students
A segment of “Passing On,” an award-winning end-of-life film narrated by Scott Simon of NPR's “Weekend Edition,” focuses on the UA’s Living Will Project. The Arizona Public Media original documentary also was funded by the David and Lura Lovell Foundation.