Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Continuously Active Surface Disinfectants May Provide Extra Barrier against Spread of Viruses, UArizona Researchers Find

TUCSON, Ariz. – In the battle to slow or prevent the transmission of viruses, such as the novel coronavirus, continuously active disinfectants could provide a new line of defense, according to a recent University of Arizona study released on the health sciences preprint server MedRxiv.

Creating Impact Through Commercialization: Preparing Your SBIR/STTR Proposal - Life Sciences Session 1

SBIR/STTR grants are excellent funding resources to continue research and create impact through commercialization.
Over the course of three sessions, our expert speakers will provide an overview of SBIR/STTR grants, share the lessons they learned, and provide step-by-step guidance through the application process.
Save the dates:
Session 2 is on July 8
Session 3 is on July 29

UArizona Telemedicine Program Receives Key Federal Funds to Help Communities Combat COVID-19

TUCSON, Ariz. – The Arizona Telemedicine Program at the University of Arizona Health Sciences has been awarded $828,000 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide critical assistance to communities as they combat COVID-19. The funding, awarded through the department’s Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), will be directed to the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC), a subsidiary of ATP.


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