Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals
February 6 & 7
4:00-8:00 PM (dinner will be provided)
Kiewit Auditorium, University of Arizona Cancer Center
Free to attend, but space is limited. Please register in advance: REGISTER
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Seminar Description:
This widely acclaimed seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to proposal-writing success. It is designed for researchers, faculty, and administrative staff who have had some exposure to writing grant applications.
Topics covered include idea development, maximizing programmatic relevance to NIH, selecting the correct grant mechanism in which to package and present the idea, use of the review process to inform writing of the application, and how to write for reviewers. In addition, strategies for writing each part of the application are presented, along with examples that illustrate how each section should be crafted. Attendees are taught to write with a linear progression of logic that leads reviewers through their applications – i.e., that makes them want to read the proposal. All attendees will receive a copy of The Grant Application Writer’s Workbook, which is specifically tailored toward NIH.
Peg AtKisson, PhD, Grant Writers’ Seminars & Workshops, LLC
Dr. AtKisson received her doctorate in neuroscience from Tufts University School of Medicine. After 15 years at the bench in cell biology, cancer biology, neuroscience, and nanotechnology as a technician, graduate student and consultant, she turned her training in science and background in writing toward the problem of effective communication in grant applications. As director of proposal development at Tufts, Dr. AtKisson made significant contributions to over $140 million in funded grants. She is an Associate Member of Grant Writers’ Seminars & Workshops.
Presented by: UA Research, Discovery & Innovation
Sponsored by: Arizona Biomedical Research Commission
Questions: Scott Pryor | | 520-621-0598
Kiewit Auditorium
University of Arizona Cancer Center
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724
Scott Pryor | | 520-621-0598