News Archive: 2017
March 6, 2017
Twelve UA Health Sciences investigators—including DOM Chair Monica Kraft, MD, cardiologist Steven Goldman, MD, and physiologist Heddwen Brooks, PhD, who is a UA Center on Aging and Sarver Heart Center member—won grants worth a total of $5.85 million over three years from the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, it was recently announced…
March 6, 2017
In a large multiethnic study by researchers at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, a higher waist circumference – but not being overweight or slightly obese – was associated with premature mortality, indicating that abdominal fat is more deadly than carrying excess weight.
March 4, 2017
A study by UA researchers, including Dr. Mohab Ibrahim, who presented March 1 on “Tame Your Pain” at the Living Healthy With Arthritis lecture series, revealed that rats with neuropathic pain that were bathed in green LED showed more tolerance for thermal and tactile stimulus. A clinical trial involving people suffering from fibromyalgia is under way…
March 3, 2017
In the second Bear Down, Beat Cancer lecture, Dr. Julie Bauman, chief, UA Division of Hematology/Oncology and associate director, Translational Research, UA Cancer Center, and Dr. Beth Jacobs, director, Epidemiology Program, UA College of Public Health, spoke March 2 on "Head & Neck Cancer – The Emerging Epidemic" at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. About 25 people heard them discuss how important the HPV vaccine is for everyone age 8-26 to reduce their risk…
March 3, 2017
Tracking Your Health with Wearable Technology: A Look at What’s On the Drawing Board
March 2, 2017
Thirty-two incoming fellows—half of them graduating UA internal medicine residents—have matched into advanced training programs for the 15 ACGME-accredited fellowship programs in the UA Department of Medicine that start in July. Another 13 UA internal medicine residents are headed to fellowships elsewhere. Next year’s chief residents at Banner – UMC Tucson and South are named here, too. Read all about it…
March 2, 2017
Two hundred people showed for the final Doc Talk lecture at the Westin La Paloma on Tuesday evening, Feb. 28, to hear DOM Chair Dr. Monica Kraft talk about the path forward to an asthma cure. It was the last of the Banner Health-sponsored lectures that attracted more than 800 people in Tucson and 400 in Phoenix. It also provided a platform to plug the UAHS/Banner partnership for the All of Us℠/Precision Medicine Initiative. See archived video of all talks here…
March 1, 2017
UA nephrologist Dr. Amy Sussman has been named the new Vice Chair for Education within the Department of Medicine adding to her roles as Nephrology Fellowship Program director and department clerkship director. She replaces Dr. Ken Knox who left in December to be associate dean for faculty affairs and development at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix…
March 1, 2017
Special anniversary website kicks off yearlong celebrations
February 28, 2017
Dr. Kacey Ernst, infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, has been selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science Public Engagement Fellowship.
February 23, 2017
Research will focus on cancer drug therapies, molecular medicine, pediatric vaccines and building platforms for DNA and biomarker testing
February 22, 2017
Arizona cohort leaders of the All of Us℠ Research Program/Precision Medicine Initiative and the deans of the University of Arizona Colleges of Medicine in Tucson and Phoenix will hold a PMI Panel Discussion on Thursday, March 9, at 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the fifth floor auditorium, Room 5403. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your questions. Faculty are asked to RSVP by March 7…
February 21, 2017
Thanks to a $1 million commitment from Iris Cantor, a lifelong philanthropist, the UA Center for Integrative Medicine will develop new curricula, train a new generation of integrative health professionals and empower individuals and communities to optimize health and well-being through the establishment of the Iris Cantor Research and Innovation Fund...
February 21, 2017
The UA Department of Nutritional Sciences is hosting a conference offering the latest research and practical approaches in the emerging field of precision nutrition and health. The Gene Smart Diet author Dr. Ski Chilton headlines an opening night Food, Wine and Healthy Living Event. Other speakers include Drs. Ken Ramos, Donato Romagnolo, Melanie Hingle, Beth Jacobs and ASU’s Matthew Buman and NAU’s Greg Caporaso…
February 20, 2017
University of Utah pulmonary chief Robert Paine, MD, was the presenter Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Winter Lung Series Conference in UA College of Medicine – Tucson Room 8403. His topic was “Oxygen, Pulmonary Innate Immunity and Goldilocks—What Happens When Things Aren’t Right”…
February 17, 2017
Noon Friday, Feb. 17, UA Health Sciences Plaza.
February 16, 2017
Dr. Serpil Erzurum, a world-renowned translational physician-scientist on respiratory diseases from Case Western University and the Cleveland Clinic, is the speaker for a now combined event that merges the Winter Lung Series Conference (WLSC) and DOM Research Seminar Series lectures, noon-1 p.m., March 9, in Room 5403 of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson…
February 14, 2017
Drs. Jarrod Mosier, associate program director, Critical Care Fellowship, Cameron Hypes, ICU associate medical director, Banner – UMC Tucson, UA Sarver Heart Center members Drs. Ben Bobrow and Daniel Spaite, and several others get kudos in the latest newsletter from the UA Department of Emergency Medicine. Topics include CPR training around the world, promotions, awards and free ECG screenings for 310 students at Flowing Wells Junior High…
February 13, 2017
The UA College of Medicine -Tucson student chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society will stage a variety of events this week to recognize kind, compassionate patient care for Solidarity Week—culminated in Tucson by a ring-of-hands on Friday, Feb. 17, at noon, in the UAHS Plaza. Join Drs. Randy Friese, Andy Theodorou and COM-T Dean Charles Cairns, as well as Banner UMC Tucson CEO Tom Dickson…
February 10, 2017
Visit the Banner Health YouTube Channel for physician profile videos on 42 Banner – University Medical Group doctors (with more to come), physician champions step up for the Cerner transition in June and “The Practice of Advanced Critical Care,” a sim-based training event at the COM-Phoenix Center for Simulation & Innovation will be Feb. 17-18—these are only a few items you may have missed in the BUMG Wildcat Connection newsletter…