See also: News Archive by Year
June 8, 2016
This event has been moved to Drachman Hall Room 109! Join us for research presentations by the 15 recipients of the 2014-15 CDA awards in this showcase of clinical and translational research by UA Health Sciences junior faculty and learn about funding for your research at this inaugural symposium…
June 7, 2016
After winning honors at ACP Nationals, named Gastroenterology Resident of the Year and awarded a Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarship, she’ll head to Boston for The Liver Conference courtesy of a Resident Travel Award from the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease.
June 7, 2016
The UA Department of Medicine hosted its 2016 Graduation Dinner for the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus residents June 3 at the Skyline Country Club, with nearly 40 graduating residents and their families attending. Several awards were presented during the ceremonies, including Resident of the Year which went to Dr. Ram Baalachandran…
June 6, 2016
Christian Bime, MD, has been named director of the Medical ICU and Esther Kim, MD, is the new director of the Cardiovascular ICU at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson, replacing Gordon Carr, MD, who was picked to replace Andy Theodorou as chief medical officer for Banner - UMC Tucson and South. Earlier this year, Dr. Theodorou became CMO for the Banner - University Medicine Division...
June 3, 2016
Thirty-six new incoming interns (aka first-year resident physicians) and a transfer resident arrive this month to begin training in the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program for the 2016-17 academic year, including 28 categorical residents and eight preliminary residents. Preliminary interns will spend their intern year here before joining another residency program…
June 2, 2016
Most graduating residents from the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program - Tucson Campus know where they're headed next in their careers. Find out where they'll be training or practicing...
May 31, 2016
These Institutional Research Grants are highly competitive block grants intended as "seed money" for initiation of pilot projects by promising junior investigators. Junior faculty are asked to apply by mid-June with a letter of intent and proposal deadline to follow in August and October…
May 25, 2016
Honoring the best of the best, the University of Arizona Health Sciences 2016 Awards of Excellence recognize the service and achievement of appointed personnel and staff.
May 25, 2016
Kacey Ernst, PhD, MPH, associate professor and infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, maps the relative seasonal abundance of Ae. aegypti the mosquito that carries Zika in the United States.
May 24, 2016
An article on patient-centered interventions and African-American access to knee replacement written by University of Arizona rheumatologist Ernest R. Vina, MD, not only was published by CORR but chosen as the journal’s spotlight article of the month and for its “Take 5” author Q&A interview. It was among more than a dozen by UA Rheumatology faculty published in the past year…
May 24, 2016
UA nephrology chief to lead Twitter chat on behalf of American Society of Nephrology on eve of Kidney Health Initiative stakeholder meeting in Washington, DC, area…
May 23, 2016
Thoughtful broadcast on the importance of end-of-life planning tells touching patient, family, physician (including Drs. Mindy Fain and Monica Vandivort) and medical student perspectives on our final days and how best to plan for them. It premiered locally on PBS 6 in late February and can still be viewed online…
May 20, 2016
South Campus resident Kai Rou Tey, MD, took top honors at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Nationals in Washington, DC, May 3-4, for her quality improvement project abstract—as well as two other recent awards…
May 20, 2016
Dr. Sai Parthasarathy is one of several faculty physicians who’ll receive a 2016 College of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Award at the May 25 General Faculty Meeting in Kiewit Auditorium with a reception to follow…
May 18, 2016
A total of 42 awards were presented to medical students, residents, fellows and faculty physicians at the Arizona Inn during the annual University of Arizona Department of Medicine Education Awards Reception, April 18…
May 18, 2016
Two additional mornings per week are available for Banner, community physicians to make geriatric patient referrals, courtesy of Drs. Paul Gee and Ana Sanguineti…
May 17, 2016
Congrats to all graduating medical students. In Tucson, we’ll be joined by 36 new internal medicine residents at the Tucson Campus program, 10 new internal medicine residents at the South Campus program and two new dermatology residents. See photos from graduation and Match Day…
May 17, 2016
Four UA students share their stories of being accepted into the UA Health Sciences Pathways Programs. The Phoenix- and Tucson-based programs have successfully changed the diversity of the UA Colleges of Medicine and ultimately will impact the diversity of the medical workforce.
May 10, 2016
Twenty-five participants in the 2016 Research Academic Half-Day poster competition for residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus shared their work for viewing and judging April 28 in DuVal Auditorium. Top honors went to Roberto Bernardo, MD; Justin Lee, MBBS; Jawad Bilal, MBBS, and Manjinder Kaur, DO. See a photo collage here…
May 10, 2016
Carol Gregorio, PhD, has been appointed vice dean for innovation and development in the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T), effective May 9.