DoM Blog

By Esther M. Sternberg, MD

Resources at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine’s new building complex offer a variety of ways to promote wellness, reduce stress and improve workplace positivity for faculty and staff across campus and beyond. See recharge spaces at Banner sites, too.

By Lori E. Fantry, MD, MPH

With the arrival of Elizabeth Connick, MD, as the chief of the University of Arizona’s Division of Infectious Diseases (ID Division), HIV research at the university has expanded. Dr.

By Connie Chan, PharmD, BCPS, By Kristen E. Ellis, PharmD, BCPS, By Larry York, PharmD, BCIDP, BCPS, AAHIVP

World AIDS Day, held annually December 1, offers an opportune time to discuss issues related to HIV and update you on how the UA Division of Infectious Diseases participates in patient care and research innovation to help limit the risks of infection and bring the latest advances in treatment from the lab to the

In July 2016, the University of Arizona and Banner Health were selected as one of four initial Regional Medical Centers in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) All of Us℠ Research Program, a cornerstone of the Precision Medicine Initiative.

At the University of Arizona Department of Medicine, our faculty physicians help educate more than 70 fellows in advanced training in subspecialties from cardiology to rheumatology, 130 internal medicine residents and about 450 medical students—these last largely through electives, clerkships and sub-internships in their third and fourth years.
