
UA Cancer Center, Honors College Partner to Support Breast Cancer Research, Awareness
October 8, 2015

Donations will support breast cancer research conducted by Honors College student Ariane Guthrie and Dr. Jessica Martinez, UA Cancer Center

The University of Arizona Holds Novel Life-Saving Cardiac Resuscitation Training for EMS Professionals
October 7, 2015

The collaborative project, “High Performance CPR University,” aims to train paramedics in state-of-the art cardiac resuscitation techniques.

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, Oct. 21
October 7, 2015

Free public presentation on breast reconstruction options for mastectomy patients

Get Your Shot Tomorrow! Flu Season Approaches
September 30, 2015

Free flu shots are being offered to state employees across the University of Arizona campus, starting Oct. 2, 2015, at the Farmers Market in the University of Arizona Health Sciences Plaza from 9 a.m. to noon and 1  to 2:30 p.m. Most seasonal flu activity happens between October and May, peaking in the U.S. peaks between December and February…

UA Health Sciences Faculty Members, Programs Recognized as `Influential Health and Medical Leaders’
September 25, 2015

Tucson Local Media announced the winners of its Influential Health and Medical Leaders Awards and honored UA Health Sciences-affiliated faculty members and programs. This included, from the Department of Medicine, Drs. David Alberts and Charles Katzenberg.

UA Sleep Researcher Authors Section on Sleep Disparities in Congressional Report
September 23, 2015

The burden of insufficient and/or poor quality sleep is felt disproportionately by racial/ethnic minorities and the socioeconomically disadvantaged, according to Michael Grandner, PhD, in the 2015 Kelly Report on Health Disparities in America.

Community Education Program, “We’ve Got the Beat: An Update on Atrial Fibrillation” to be held Oct. 17
September 23, 2015

The community is invited to attend “We’ve Got the Beat: An Update on Atrial Fibrillation,” an education program presented by the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, on Oct. 17.

‘Exercise Essentials for Healthy Aging’ Subject of UA Arthritis Center’s Living Healthy With Arthritis Lecture, Oct. 7
September 22, 2015

Free and open to the public, the lecture will provide “An Orthopaedic Surgeon’s Inside Look at Being Smart About Staying Active,” by University of Arizona orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist Jolene Hardy, MD.

Dr. Daniel Persky Named Associate Director of Clinical Investigations at UA Cancer Center
September 22, 2015

Daniel Persky, MD, a leading physician-scientist in the field of lymphoma translational research, has been named associate director of clinical investigations and director, Clinical Trials Office (CTO), at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Dr. Persky will work closely with UA Cancer Center leadership to enhance clinical and translational research efforts.

University of Arizona’s Dr. Fernando D. Martinez to Lead Transformative Research Center Focused on Asthma and Airway Disease
September 21, 2015

Center to focus on translational studies of asthma immunology, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

'Z-Factor' to Explore Sleep, Learning Link
September 15, 2015

By looking at the connection of the two, a UA-led project headed by Michelle Perfect, PhD, an associate professor in the UA College of Education has significant implications for STEM recruitment and retention, as well as family engagement and teacher development. Her team’s efforts are reinforced by a $1.2 million National Science Foundation grant and additional funding from the American Diabetes Association to look at the impact of sleep woes on diabetic children…

UA Arthritis Center Research Featured in Journals, Conferences
September 11, 2015

UA lupus and osteoarthritis research were the subject of articles in Lupus Science & Medicine, Arthritis and Rheumatology, and MedPage Today, while center director Dr. Kent Kwoh heads to China and California for several speaking engagements…

Latest AHSC Announcements tout ‘Top Docs,’ Hispanic scholars, Infectious Diseases in Elderly Seminar
September 9, 2015

New nursing associate dean’s research focuses on early cancer detection for the underserved, Tufts pulmonary chief discusses 'Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension' at DOM Grand Rounds, interprofessional emergency preparedness exercise announced – Oct. 16…

With New Chief, Staff, UA Nephrology Division Focuses on Partnerships to Deliver Innovative, High-Quality Kidney Care
September 9, 2015

As the new UA, Banner kidney specialist leader in Tucson, Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury brings his lab from the University of Cincinnati where the NIH-funded physician scientist was director of the Dialysis Vascular Access Research Group and embraces the UA’s academic, community and industry collaborative approach.

Pooja Rajguru Awarded Theodore H. Koff Graduate Scholarship For Studies in Aging and Gerontology
September 8, 2015

The UA Center on Aging presents the scholarship each year to outstanding UA graduate health professions students who are pursuing studies or have an interest in aging, health care administration or gerontology.

UA Medical Team Wins Accreditation for Banner – UMC Tucson as Treatment Referral Center by National Pancreas Foundation
September 8, 2015

Clinicians’ multidisciplinary approach at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson has earned Banner – University Medical Center Tucson the designation as the only NPF Center in Arizona and recognition for its ability to handle complex care of patients suffering from pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and related diseases.

Top Docs, AzCIM, SALSA Spotlighted Among AHSC Top News Items of the Week
September 4, 2015

Tucson Lifestyle’s “Top Doctors” issue is out, the UA Center for Integrative Medicine gets nod from White House on participation in FlexTech Alliance, and Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance calls out disparity in amputations for low-income and rural type 2 diabetes patients…

Internationally Recognized Sleep and Health Researcher Joins UA Department of Psychiatry in Tucson
September 1, 2015

Advancing research and education in the study of healthy sleep for well-being and the relationship sleep has with cardiovascular health, obesity, diabetes and psychological health, the University of Arizona Department of Psychiatry welcomes internationally recognized sleep expert, Dr. Michael Grandner.

UA Study Finds Huge Disparity in the Occurrence of Leg Amputations on Low-Income and Rural Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
August 31, 2015

Study co-author Dr. David Armstrong suggests a three-tiered system to provide earlier coordinated care that could help reduce the disparity in outcomes for patients in outlying communities and for low-income patients with Type 2 diabetes.

$1.5M NIH Grant Supports Development of Therapeutic Agent to Reduce AVF Failures
August 27, 2015

The 2-year project, funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, will allow Symic Biomedical – working in collaboration with UA Nephrology Division Chief Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhD, to perform additional preclinical efficacy studies on a therapeutic agent to reduce arteriovenous fistula failures in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis…
