With Audience of 200, Dr. Kraft Caps Banner ‘Doc Talk’ Lecture Series — Daily Wildcat

About 200 people showed for the final Doc Talk lecture at the Westin La Paloma on Tuesday evening, Feb. 28, featuring University of Arizona Department of Medicine Chair Monica Kraft, MD

The topic was “Take a Deep Breath: Is a Cure for Asthma on the Horizon?”

Read more about the event in the UA Daily Wildcat, as a DW reporter posted an article Thursday morning on Dr. Kraft’s lecture, her research and a vigorous Q&A with audience members. You also can view an archived video of the lecture here (see below for links to other lectures in this series).

Dr. Kraft, a UA professor of medicine who is also the Robert and Irene Flinn Endowed Chair of Medicine and deputy director of the UA Health Sciences Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, is a world-renowned, National Institutes of Health-funded physician-scientist on asthma and the search for therapies to relieve symptoms of the respiratory disease.

She also launched the Banner Health-sponsored series “ Doc Talks: The Future of Medicine”—which was held Thursdays in February in Phoenix and Tuesdays in Tucson—with the first lecture Feb. 2 at the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia. She was joined onstage by UA College of Medicine - Tucson Dean Charles Cairns, MD (pictured with Dr. Kraft at right), who acted as emcee for the lecture series and teamed up to speak at one lecture with Ken Ramos, MD, PhD, PharmB, interim dean of the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix, UAHS associate vice president for Precision Health Sciences, and director of the UA Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine.

Over 800 people attended the four-part series in Tucson while about 400 people came to listen to the Scottsdale lectures.

In her talk, she went over the following points:

  1. Who gets asthma, what are risk factors and what we can do
  2. Personalizing asthma treatment to ensure it will be effective
  3. Work being done by UA and Banner – University Medical Center to find a cure

The event also offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the All of Us℠ Research Program/Precision Medicine Initiative—of which the UA Health Sciences/Banner Health partnership is one of eight university collaborations chosen around the country to lead the effort. The goal is to sign up at least a million people to share medical information and family histories to build up a database that will advance personalized medicine solutions.

UAHS PMI coordinators were onsite to provide additional information and help folks find out how to sing up. Visit https://allofusaz.uahs.arizona.edu to learn more. The NIH All of Us℠ website can be found here.


Click on the titles below to view archived video of earlier lectures in the Doc Talks series:

“Free February Doc Talks Off to Great Start with Dr. Kraft Address on Asthma” | Posted Feb. 3, 2017
“Doc Talks: The Future of Medicine” | Posted Jan. 13, 2017
“Grand Rounds Getting Crowded with DOM New Additions, Other Events in New Year” | Posted Dec. 22, 2016

Release Date: 
03/02/2017 - 1:30pm