[Please note the times and agenda for this event have been updates since the original posting. Click here to learn more.]
The University of Arizona Office of Research, Discovery and Innovation (RDI) will host the second annual UA Core Facilities Fair on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at the UA BIO5 Institute, Room 103, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a networking reception to follow in the lobby of the new BioSciences Research Laboratory building.
Come find out how UA Cores can impact your research.
Opportunities to learn include:
- Vendor presentations on emerging technologies directed to the UA community and researchers in the region
- Faculty/staff presentations: “Discovery and Innovation Using UA Core Facilities”
- Poster presentations focused on UA RDI Cores and related UA Core Facilities
- Lunch and networking in the new Biosciences Research Laboratories (adjacent to Keating and MRB)
Kimberly Espy, PhD, and Neal Armstrong, PhD, UA senior and associate vice presidents for research, will provide the opening and closing remarks.
For the agenda and to post and share information on this event,
see the flyer [PDF].
Click here to add this event to your personal schedule (using iCal, Outlook, Google, Yahoo! calendar).
Among services and capabilities of different research resources available across the University of Arizona – Tucson campus to be showcased are the:
- UA Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility (MSF)
- UA Bio Computing Facility (BCF)
- UA Cryogenics & Compressed Gas Facility (CGF)
- UA Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (CCF)
- UA Functional Genomics Core (FGC)
- UA Imaging Cores, Biomedical Research Laboratory – High-Resolution Ultrasound Facility (HRUF)
- UA Imaging Cores, Biomedical Research Laboratory – Magnetic Resonance Research Facility (MRRF)
- UA Imaging Cores, Biomedical Research Laboratory – MRI Small Animals Lab
- UA Imaging Cores, Kuiper – Electron Microscopy
- UA Imaging Cores, Life Sciences North – Optical & Electron Microscopy (IC LSN)
- UA Imaging Cores, Marley Light Microscopy Facility (IC Marley)
- UA Micro/Nano Fabrication Center (NMFC)
- UA Molecular Structures Core
- UA Machining & Welding Center (MWC)
- UA Genetics Core (UAGC)
Details on each of the above can be found at: https://research.arizona.edu/core-facilities
Additional information on these and other UA Core and Shared Services is at the UA Research Gateway website here: https://rgw.arizona.edu/resources/core-facilities
For more on the UA Imaging Cores, visit: http://imagingcores.webhost.uits.arizona.edu
You can also visit the “Core Facilities” webpage for the UA Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine within the UA Department of Medicine for collaborative resources and services the division brings to biomedical research across the UA Health Sciences campus.
Other valuable sites include the UAHS Center for Biomedical Informatics & Biostatistics, UAHS Institute for Clinical & Translational Science (CATS), UA Cancer Center and Arizona Research Laboratories.