The Emmy Awards aren’t until Sept. 17, but the DOM Research Seminar Series has been renewed for a second season, aka, academic year, in 2017-18—with a launch date set for Thursday, Sept. 14. The series features a dynamic cast of speakers led off by, Craig S. Stump, MD, PhD, and Charles A. Downs, PhD, ACNP-BC, FAAN.
Previously chief of the UA Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Dr. Stump’s topic will be “Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) Induced Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance,” while Dr. Downs, a board-certified acute care nurse practitioner specializing in pulmonary research, will speak on, “RAGE-Induced Changes in the Proteome of Alveolar Epithelial Cells.”
Looking Forward
“We’re very excited about commencing our second year of such a well-received monthly lecture series,” said Jil Tardiff, MD, PhD, vice chair for research in the University of Arizona Department of Medicine, who planned the series in coordination with Department Chair Monica Kraft, MD.
“We’re sure we’ll enjoy the same popular attendance to view the diverse, innovative work being done by both junior and senior investigators within our department. For several lectures last year, it was standing room only.”
Dr. Tardiff is a professor of medicine and cellular and molecular medicine, a faculty member for the UA Division of Cardiology, Sarver Heart Center and BIO5 Institute and the Steven M. Gootter Endowed Chair for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death.
She noted the seminars again will be held on the second Thursday of the month, noon to 1 p.m., in Room 5403 of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85724. See below for a current schedule through June.
A light lunch will be served in the style of the Medicine Grand Rounds for each lecture. All lectures are livestreamed and archived at: Go to the event date to view. To download, post and share the flyer for this first lecture,
click here [PDF] or on the image at right.
This series is designed to showcase the innovative basic, translational and clinical research being done in the UA Department of Medicine. The lectures pair a senior and junior faculty investigator from different divisions to offer a range of topics of interest to a broad audience. Each speaker talks for 20-25 minutes with the remainder of the time for Q&A.
Guest Speaker
A special guest lecture is included in the series for Nov. 9 with speaker Judith A. Voynow, MD, the Edwin L. Kendig Jr. Professor of Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Dr. Voynow, who left Duke University in 2013 to join the VCU School of Medicine faculty, has three primary focuses for her research: 1) understanding cystic fibrosis (CF) pathogenesis and how neutrophil elastase in the CF airway causes lung disease in order to develop new therapies to combat this process, 2) the interaction between host factors and pulmonary susceptibility to ozone, and 3) determining biomarkers for chronic lung disease of infancy, otherwise known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. She also serves as associate editor, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and Pediatric Pulmonology, and is an editorial board member for the journal, Clinical and Translational Science.
Full Cast for Academic Year
The calendar for lecturers in the 2017-18 DOM Research Seminar Series includes:
- SEPT. 14: Dr. Craig Stump — UA associate professor of medicine, professor of nutritional sciences, program director, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Fellowship, and staff physician, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System; and Dr. Charles Downs — assistant professor, Biobehavioral Health Science Division, UA College of Nursing, and research investigator, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine UA Department of Medicine.
- OCT. 12: Deborah A. Meyers, PhD — co-chief, Division of Genetics, Genomics and Precision Medicine, and co-director, Division of Pharmacogenomics, UA Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine; and Ernest Vina, MD — assistant professor, Division of Rheumatology, and membe, UA Arthritis Center
- NOV. 9: Dr. Judith Voynow — professor, Virginia Commonwealth University/Children’s Hospital of Richmond
- DEC. 14: Jason X.-J. Yuan, MD — chief, Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine, and associate VP, Translational Health Sciences, UAHS; and Fariba Donovan, MD, PhD — assistant professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, and member, UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence
- JAN. 11: Frank C. "Chip" Brosius, III, MD — professor, Division of Nephrology; and Vivian Shi, MD — assistant professor, Division of Dermatology
- FEB. 8: Stephen M. Black, PhD — director, Lung Vascular Pathology Program, Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine; and Jarrod M. Mosier, MD — associate professor of emergency medicine, assistant professor of medicine and associate program director, Critical Care Fellowship
- MARCH 8: Stefano Guerra, MD, PhD, MPH — professor of medicine, associate professor of public health, associate research scientist, UAHS Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, and member, BIO5 Institute, and TBD (a second speaker has not yet been scheduled for this date)
- APRIL 12: John Galgiani, MD — director, UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence, and member, BIO5 Institute, and TBD (a second speaker has not yet been scheduled for this date)
- MAY 10: TBD
Look for future communications regarding specific themes of each presentation.
To inquire about scheduling for open spaces in the above calendar, please contact Claudia Duran, senior program director, Office of the Chair, UA Department of Mediciine, (520) 626-6349 or
“Final DOM Research Seminar of 2016-17 Delivers on Data for Precision Medicine Solutions” | Posted June 8, 2017
NOTE: You can find hyperlinks to archived video to each 2016-17 lecture (and a number of photo galleries) in this seminar series' inaugural year at the above link for June 8, 2017.