The Cerner Mobile App roll out is now under way.
Providers with Banner – University Medical Group Tucson and clinical facilities at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South are the first to enjoy “widespread deployment” of this technology. This is according to to an overview message on the rollout from co-chairs of the Banner – University Medicine Academic Technical Advisory Group (ATAG), Kevin Reilly, MD, associate professor, UA Department of Emergency Medicine, and director, ED Information Systems, and Lisa Chan, MD, professor, Emergency Medicine, director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship, and medical director, Emergency Medicine, Banner – University Medical Center Tucson.
The goal is to simplify physician access to the Cerner electronic health record features, to enable them to work more quickly and efficiently, and to make time spent with patients more productive and the experience more rewarding for all.
See important details of that overview in a message from Drs. Reilly and Chan here: mobile-application-rollout-overview.pdf
This app involves working with four sub-apps:
■ PowerChart Touch: Review history, notes, results, and place orders
■ Camera Capture: take clinical images and upload to the chart
■ InstaNote: Create notes with Dragon Medical One voice recognition
■ Message Center: Shows your Message Center from CernerA few tips on navigating the app can be found in the following document:
The rollout began Monday, Feb. 26. Residents and hospitalists will be contacted first, and residents may have already received an email to receive access.
It is important that the first group of users should install the application within 14 days of access code receipt or they will lose the ability to activate and go to the bottom of the list.
The first group to receive access, again, will be residents, fellows and hospitalists.
This will be followed by a second wave to include the rest of faculty.
All faculty should all receive an email within 18 days.
The email subject line regarding this rollout should state something about “Cerner Mobile App,” so please look for that.
See the two documents (PDFs above) for additional details on how to download, access and signup for this app.
“I think this a positive step and I thank the Banner IT leaders Geoff Duke (VP Clinical Applications, IT, Banner Health) and Will Holland, MD (VP/CMIO, Banner Health) for choosing Tucson as the site to pilot this app,” said UA Department of Medicine Chair Monica Kraft, MD., an ATAG member along with other DOM physicians, Julie Bauman, MD, MPH (Hematology & Oncology), Gordon Carr, MD (Pulmonary), Jarrod Mosier, MD (Critical Care), Tammy Clark Ojo, MD (Pulmonary), and Tejo Vemulapalli, MD (Inpatient Medicine).
A UA professor of medicine, Dr. Kraft is also deputy director, UA Health Sciences Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, the Robert and Irene Flinn Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona, and clinical chair of the Department of Medicine at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson and South.
Banner – University Medicine Physician & Staff Information Exchange sessions were held with Banner leadership Monday at both Banner – UMC Tucson and Banner – UMC South hospitals to discuss IT and electronic medical record issues associated with the overall Cerner rollout. Present at the Tucson campus meeting along with Drs. Bauman, Clark Ojo and Kraft were Khadijah Breathett, MD (Cardiology), Raj Janardhanan, MD (Cardiology) and Sarah Patel, MD (fellow, Sleep Medicine).
Please use the Banner Health IT Service Desk for problems activating or other issues. To reach the desk, call (520) 694-4357 or visit the Banner Service Hub at:
NOTE: To get to the above link on a mobile device, login to Citrix and use your mobile secondary password to reach the Banner Intranet, then click on “Banner Service Hub”—see image at right for sample.
“Cerner Insight Sessions for Clinicians Continue with Open Agenda” | Posted Dec. 6, 2017
"Full Steam Ahead for Cerner Electronic Health Record Go-Live, Oct. 1" | Posted Sept. 28, 2017
—David Mogollón