The University of Arizona Department of Medicine Associate Chair for Research
Jil Tardiff, MD, PhD, will offer the keynote address at “BIO5 Inspiring Women in STEM,” which includes an interactive panel of women from the UA Health Sciences Tucson campus from cross-disciplinary fields and stages in their careers.
This event takes place Saturday, Feb. 9, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at the UA BIO5 Institute/Keating Bioresearch Building, Room 103.
Click here to add this event to your personal schedule (via iCal, MSOutlook, Google, or Yahoo! calendar).
NOTE: Photos from the event can be found at this link:
Sudden Cardiac Death
In addition to her role as DOM associate chair for research, Dr. Tardiff is also a professor in the UA Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, and Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine; member of the UA Sarver Heart Center and UA BIO5 Institute; and the Steven M. Gootter Endowed Chair for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death at the University of Arizona.
As a physician-scientist at the UA since 2012, Dr. Tardiff’s work focuses on the mechanisms that underlie development of the most common form of genetic cardiomyopathy, those caused by mutations in proteins of the cardiac sarcomere, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). These complex disorders affect one in 500 individuals of all ages and represent the most common cause of sudden cardiac death.
This event is one of several planned by the UA BIO5 Institute over the next month to underscore and celebrate its role in the development of innovative scientific advancements in a variety of fields.
Learn more about those other events here — or visit: DISCOVERBIO5.ARIZONA.EDU
The Panelists
The panelists (pictured below left to right) represent different career stages to offer a broad perspective of STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — opportunities. They include (along with their research area):
- Jennifer Barton, PhD (BIO5 director) — Biomedical Optics, Imaging, Early Detection
- Bonnie Hurwitz, PhD — Biometry and Biosystems Informatics
- Anita Koshy, MD — Neuroscience and Infectious Disease
- Joyce Schroeder, PhD — Molecular and Cellular Biology
- TingTing Thompson — Undergraduate Student Researcher (Cancer & Immunotherapy)
- Brittany Uhlorn — Graduate Student, Cancer Biology PhD Candidate (HPV & Cancer)
Following the panel discussion, there will be a one-on-one networking session with panelists providing attendees with an opportunity to gain further insight.
This event is open to local community members, high school students, and the UA community at large, and is designed to inspire women in their pursuit of a STEM education options and/or careers.
“You’re Invited to ‘Public Sneak Peak’ with DISCOVER BIO5 Open House & Reception, Feb. 27” | Posted Jan. 29, 2019