Congratulations to all the participants in the 2019 Jeanne Deinert GME Scholarly Day at Banner – University Medical Center South. The event, which ran from noon to 3 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, was hosted by the Office of Graduate Medical Education at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.
Activities were held in the La Galería conference room on the hospital's first floor off of the cafeteria.
Victoria Murrain, DO, assistant dean of the Office of GME, assistant designated institutional official, South campus, and assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, thanked everyone for helping to make it a success.
“A special shout out to Drs. Gianna O'Hara and Wina Yousman for their hard work and intense participation,” said Eugene Trowers, MD, MPH, director of the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus and GI services director at Banner – UMC South. “You have made the South Campus internal medicine residency program very proud of you again!
DOM Winners
Among those from the UA Department of Medicine, winners included:
- Resident Research Poster, 2nd place | Wina Yousman, MD (on right below right), a resident in the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus (with team members that included Nephrology fellow Dr. Wei Xiang Wong and Division of Nephrology faculty members Drs. Pablo Loarte-Campos, Angelo de Mattos and Lavanya Kodali);
Resident Quality Poster, 1st place | Gianna O'Hara, DO (on left at right) , a south campus internal medicine resident (with team members that included Dr. Anil Potharaju, associate chief, Division of Inpatient Medicine)
- Resident Quality Poster, 2nd place | Wina Yousman, MD, a south campus internal medicine resident (with team members that included Nephrology fellows Drs. Kussay Alsamkari, Lance Bechtold and Jennifer Aranas, and Nephrology faculty member Dr. Bijin Thajudeen)
Lori Fantry, MD, MPH, an associate professor and associate clinical director for the Division of Infectious Diseases, director of the HIV Translational Research Program and medical director of the Arizona AIDS Education Training Center, was recognized as the faculty advisor on the winning Medical Student Poster.
And Sarah Tariq, MD, a south campus internal medicine resident, was among three residents chosen to participate in oral presentations.
For the full list of winners, titles of their work, alumni panelists, oral presentations and judges—as well as a mini-photo album, see below:
2019 Scholarly Day All Winners
Resident Clinical Posters
First Place
“The Outcomes of Simulation in Resident Breast Imaging Biopsy Techniques”
Shahad Al Bayati, MBBCh (Medical Imaging resident); Martin Dufwenberg; Colin O'Brien; Brian Skidmore; Kimberly Fitzpatrick, MD (Medical Imaging, associate professor), and Marisa Borders, MD (Medical Imaging, associate professor),
Second Place
“A Descriptive Breakdown of Training Pathways for Careers in Pediatric Emergency Medicine”
Joshua Glasser, MD (Medical Imaging resident), and Aaron Leetch, MD (Emergency Medicine, assistant professor)
Resident Research Posters
First Place
“Towards Optical Biopsies: Developing an Optical Biopsy ‘Stain’”
Michael Craig Larson, MD (Medical Imaging resident), Jennifer Barton, PhD (Optical Sciences/BIO5, professor) and Urs Utzinger, PhD (Biomedical Engineering/BIO5, associate professor)
Second Place
“One-year Outcomes of Deceased Kidney Transplants with a High Proportion of Kidney Donor Profile Index > 85%”
Wina Yousman, MD (Internal Medicine resident); Nicole Low, NP; Wei Xiang Wong, MD (Nephrology fellow); Pablo Loarte-Campos, MD (Nephrology, assistant professor); Angelo de Mattos, MD, MPH (Nephrology, professor); Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhD; and Lavanya Kodali, MD (Nephrology, assistant professor)
Resident Quality Posters
First Place
“Med Recs in a New Age”
Gianna O'Hara, DO (Internal Medicine resident), Aracely Arellano, and Anil Potharaju, MD (Inpatient Medicine, assistant professor)
Second Place
“Hyperphosphatemia: Winning the Challenges Barriers to Treatment Adherence in Dialysis Patients”
Wina Yousman, MD (Internal Medicine resident); Kussay Alsamkari, MD (Nephrology fellow); Lance Bechtold, MD (Nephrology fellow); Jennifer Aranas, MD (Nephrology fellow); and Bijin Thajudeen, MD (Nephrology, associate professor)
Medical Student Posters
First Place
“PrEP Knowledge, Attitudes and Barriers among Adults Attending Needle Exchange Programs in Southern Arizona”
Molly Brady, Ashwini Kaveti, Lakshmee Malladi, Berna Villanueva, Tanwe Shende and Lori Fantry, MD, MPH (Infectious Diseases, associate professor)
Judges for the event included: Sean Elliott, MD – Clinical Category; Bethany Bruzzi, DO – Research/Medical Student Category; Colleen Cagno, MD – Clinical Category; Conrad Clemens, MD – Research/Medical Student Category; Gilbert Garcia (All of Us Research Program, senior laboratory coordinator) – Quality Improvement Category.
Alumni Panel Discussion
An excellent discussion was had during a special Alumni Panel that included South Campus residency program graduates: Daphne Rosales, MD (Family Medicine); Sean Murphy, MD (Emergency Medicine); Shivani Ruben, MD (Internal Medicine), and Christopher Wiegand, MD (Psychiatry). Each had time to present on their current practice, how well residency prepared them for practice, what they wish they had learned, and offer advice to current residents to best prepare for their first job after graduation. The panel was moderated by Jason Curry, DO (UA Psychiatry Residency Program director).
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations (and their titles) were made by:
- Sarah Tariq, MD (Internal Medicine South Campus) | “The Tale of the Tenacious Tentacles”
- Patty Wang, MD (Family Medicine South Campus) | “Planetary Medicine”
- Ryan Miller, MD (Emergency Medicine South Campus) | “Resident Burnout and Depression”
Dr. Tariq said the case in her presentation was “about palytoxin toxicity that occurred after an exposure to a specific kind of coral that comes from the Palythoa genus. These particular corals, depending on the species, have little tentacles. The exposure occurs when you boil the coral, it aerosolizes the toxin and inhalation leads to progressive onset of symptoms.”
Norma Peal Award
The Norma Peal Award was presented by Sarah Frost, CEO of Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South, and accepted on behalf of Ralph Patterson, MD, by Philip Call, DO, both South Campus Family Medicine residents.
The award is recommended through an application process from the program director in a resident’s final year of training. Named after one of the founders of the South Campus GME program who died in 2009, it goes to a resident who has shown a commitment to underserved populations, rural communities, community activity and scholarly activity.
Scholarly Day now is open to all residents/fellows/students across the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, not just South campus, pointed out Lauren Wright, GME senior program director.
Credit for the following goes to a combination of Mary Gosciminiski, Dr. Murrain and others for the first row and the UA Family and Community Medicine's Patricia Philbin on the last three rows.
MINI-PHOTO GALLERY (click image to enlarge):
“South Campus GME Scholarly Day Spreads the Wealth on 2018 Awards” | Posted May 18, 2018
“Six UA Internal Medicine Residents Honored at GME Scholarly Day South Campus” | Posted May 18, 2017