The University of Arizona's Sairam Parthasarathy, MD, is featured in the In Health article of the latest edition of Tucson Lifestyle magazine—the topic, “Sleep Apnea: There’s More to the Snore.”
The article appears on page 43 of the January 2019 issue (click image at right and below to enlarge).
The piece seeks to dispel myths about sleep apnea that may confuse the issue of proper sleep health.
“It is important for patients to understand the symptoms, signs, tresting and treatment of various forms of sleep apnea,” Dr. Parthasarathy—professor of medicine, interim chief for the University of Arizona Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, and director of the UA Health Sciences Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences and Sleep Disorders Center at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson.
His research focuses on the relationship between sleep, breathing, and inflammation in both ambulatory and critically ill patients. Additionally, he has been involved in clinical trials of novel modes of ventilatory assistance for patients with sleep-disordered breathing (such as servo-ventilation and volume-assured pressure support) as well as health services research aimed at improving healthcare delivery and promoting CPAP adherence in patients with sleep-disordered breathing.
You can find the above Tucson Lifestyle article here:
EXTRA INFO: Glossies & Tabloids
Other recent magazine stories that offer mentions (or sightings) of UA Department of Medicine faculty and staff include:
“Out & About: ZOOcson” | Tucson Lifestyle, December 2018
Cardiologist Peter Ott, MD, associate professor of medicine, member of the UA Sarver Heart Center and holder of The Peter Ott, MD, Endowed Chair for Electrophysiology, is pictured among attendees (see image upper right – click to enlarge) at the Oct. 12, 2018, fundraiser for the Reid Park Zoological Society at the Tucson Zoo.
“BizBENEFIT: Gootter Foundation Raises $4 Million for Cardiac Arrest Research” | BizTucson, Winter 2019
Frank and Jana Westerbeke to be honored for philanthropy at 2019 Gootter Foundation Grand Slam Gala to be held Saturday, March 2, 6:30 p.m., Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa. This organization raises money for research related to sudden cardiac death and the foundation funds the Steven M. Gootter Endowed Chair for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, currently held by Jil C. Tardiff, MD, PhD, professor of medicine and cellular and molecular medicine, associate chair for research in the UA Department of Medicine and a member of the UA Sarver Heart Center.
Various articles | Inside Tucson Business
“Tech Talk: Turning off pain and Arizona’s new dinosaur” | Posted Jan. 4, 2019
“People in Action: Banner - UMC promotes hospital executives” | Posted Jan. 4, 2019
“Tech Talk: Cancer screening, Valley Fever guide and more” |Posted Dec. 21, 2018
“Tech Talk: Printing Bones and Makerspaces” | Posted Dec. 7, 2018
“People in Action: UA’s Dr. Donata Vercelli part of significant election” | Posted Nov. 23, 2018
“Nutrition: What to Eat for Healthy Skin” | Experience Life!, January-February 2019
Dermatologist Vivian Shi, MD, director of the Eczema and Skin Barrier Clinic and the Follicular Disorder Clinic, discusses how diet affects skin conditions such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea as well as premature skin aging.
“Science of Us: What Deep Breathing Does to Your Body” | New York Magazine, Dec. 28, 2018
Esther Sternberg, MD, a professor of medicine and psychology, research director at the UA Center for Integrative Medicine, and director of the UA Institute on Place, Wellbeing and Performance, discusses how your body’s relaxation response can oppose its stress response with breathing exercises.
“Neo Pueblo: Top 7 science stories of the year” | Tucson Weekly, Dec. 27, 2018
Complementing a recent UANews post on its top 10 science stories of 2018, the weekly tabloid adds the “Lung on a Leaf” research that earned Arizona Biomedical Research Commission funding and is led by previous UA pulmonary chief Ken Knox, MD, now at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix, who counts among his research team Louise Hecker, PhD, a pulmonary investigator in Tucson whose work focuses on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
“Sleep Medicine Foundation Puts Spotlight on UA Research Award Recipients” | Posted Dec. 14, 2018
“New Website for UA Sleep Center a Great Place to Catch Some Zzzzs” | Posted Dec. 4, 2018
“Pulmonary Chief Dr. Parthasarathy to Help NIH Prioritize Research on Science of Sleep” | Posted Nov. 30, 2018