Service Year Awards, Retiree Dinner Dates Announced for UA Faculty and Staff Milestones

Some of the University of Arizona Department of Medicine faculty and staff being honored for years of service or retirement in 2019
Some honorees at the upcoming Service Awards Reception, April 4, and Annual Retiree Dinner, May 23: (top row) Drs Rick Ahmann, Dr. Faiz Anwer, Terri Buchanan, Dr. Clara Curiel, Dr. Emad Elquza, Dr. Steve Goldschmid, Dr. David Johnson, (2nd row): Dr. Steve Knoper, Hermie Molina-Acuña, Dr. Victoria Sanguinetti, Maria Santa Cruz, Dr. Linda Snyder, Dr. Amy Sussman and Dr. Gene Trowers.

Eighteen faculty and staff members from the University of Arizona Department of Medicine will be among those recognized later this spring with years of service and retirement awards presented at events on April 4 and May 23.

RSVP banner for University of Arizona 2019 Service Awards Reception As part of the university's program to honor employee service to the University of Arizona, the Division of Human Resources hosts these two events each spring, a Service Awards afternoon reception and a Retiree Dinner. These events are held to honor those who are currently retiring and those who have reached milestones for extended employment.

Below, you’ll find a list of those being recognized and their division or unit within the department.

Service Year Awards:


  • Faiz Anwer, MD — Hematology & Oncology/UA Cancer Center, 12 years (2007)
  • Victoria Sanguinetti, MD — Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine and Palliative Medicine, 10 years (2009)
  • Steve Goldschmid, MD — Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Former Division Chief, Department Chair and College Dean), 19 years (2000)

Retiring Later This Year:

EXTRA INFO: Years of Service Milestones

Join us as we celebrate milestone years of dedicated service for employees at the University of Arizona! Those being recognized are asked to please indicate if they will be joining the celebration by Friday, March 22, 2019.

Due to limited space, the reception is for invited guests only.

RSVP for Service Awards Reception Here

Annual Employee Service Awards Reception Details
Thursday, April 4, 2019
UA Student Union Grand Ballroom (map(link is external))
Event Starts at 2 p.m.

UA Service and Retirement Awards

2019 Service Awards Reception: April 4

Check in begins at 1:30 p.m. Doors open around 1:45 p.m., with the event starting at 2:00 p.m. and lasting approximately an hour and a half. Honorees unable to attend the event can pick up their award at the UA Visitor Center starting a few days after the event through the end of December.

2019 Retiree Dinner: May 23

The Retiree Dinner check in begins at 5:00 p.m. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and lasts for approximately two hours. The location is shared with the retirees to be recognized directly.

Frequently Asked Questions about UA Service & Retirement Awards

For other questions related to the Service Awards recognition reception and Retiree Dinner, please contact the UA Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and Human Resources at (520) 621-1684. Or you can visit the UA Human Resources | Employee Recognition website.

“270 UA Retirees to be Honored for Service” | (Lo Que Pasa/UA-@-Work) Posted May 21, 2019
“More Than a Thousand Employees Celebrate Milestones Up to 45 Years—30 from DOM” | Posted April 20, 2018

Release Date: 
02/07/2019 - 10:45am