Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Seminar with Dr. Tracy Crane

Wed, 03/27/2019 - 9:00am to 10:00am

This lecture is part of the UA Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Seminar Series – EEPI 696B.

SPEAKER: Tracy E. Crane, PhD, MS, RD – Assistant Professor, Biobehavioral Health Sciences Division, College of Nursing, and the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona; and member, UA Cancer Center
TOPIC: “Improving Adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity Through an Integrated Symptom Management and Lifestyle Behavior Intervention for Latina Cancer Survivors and their Informal Caregivers”

WHEN: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 | 9 -10 a.m.
WHERE: UA Cancer Center Leon Levy Building, Conf. Room 2920

(Bagels and coffee will be served.)

WATCH IT LIVE! (Video of this event also will be archived at this link for later viewing.)

In addition, CPC Seminars are now available, via Zoom. Please follow the link is external) If you do not currently have zoom, you will be prompted to download the free app. Alternatively, you can open your zoom app and join the meeting with 6021215414

Presentation Summary:
Symptoms lingering after completion of active treatment may be barriers to the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with preventing cancer recurrence. In this talk we report the results from a pilot randomized trial of an intervention designed to improve adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines (ACS) on Nutrition and Physical Activity through integrated symptom management in Latinas with solid tumor cancers and their Informal caregivers.

If you wish to view this presentation at a later time, you may access the video at Click on ‘Centers of Excellence” then “Arizona Cancer Center”; scroll to the date desired.

CONTACT: Dianna Gilmore, Sr. Program Coordinator, UA Cancer Center, sends e-mail) or (520) 318-7057.

Event Location: 

University of Arizona Cancer Center, Conf. Rm. 2920
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719