Research News

Sickle Cell, Congenital Heart Disease Focus of UA Researcher NIH Awards Worth Nearly $5.21M

Two UA Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine faculty, Drs. Ankit A. Desai and Stephen M. Black, were awarded R01 research grants valued at more than $5 million combined from the NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to study different aspects of cardiovascular disease. Both involve genetic studies, one with respect to sickle cell anemia and sudden cardiac arrest, the other congenital heart defects and pulmonary problems related to an inability to produce nitric oxide…

UA Engineers Help You Stay a Heartbeat Ahead of Hackers to Protect Your Health

With a million forms of malware released every day, UA electrical and computer engineer Roman Lysecky, PhD, and colleagues are developing technologies to better detect malware in pacemakers and other life-critical health and other devices. Their research is funded by the National Science Foundation and Army Research Office…

Dr. Monica Kraft, 11 Other UAHS Investigators Secure ABRC Grant Awards Worth Nearly $6M

Twelve UA Health Sciences investigators—including DOM Chair Monica Kraft, MD, cardiologist Steven Goldman, MD, and physiologist Heddwen Brooks, PhD, who is a UA Center on Aging and Sarver Heart Center member—won grants worth a total of $5.85 million over three years from the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, it was recently announced…

With Audience of 200, Dr. Kraft Caps Banner ‘Doc Talk’ Lecture Series — Daily Wildcat

Two hundred people showed for the final Doc Talk lecture at the Westin La Paloma on Tuesday evening, Feb. 28, to hear DOM Chair Dr. Monica Kraft talk about the path forward to an asthma cure. It was the last of the Banner Health-sponsored lectures that attracted more than 800 people in Tucson and 400 in Phoenix. It also provided a platform to plug the UAHS/Banner partnership for the All of Us℠/Precision Medicine Initiative. See archived video of all talks here…

Don’t Miss Precision Medicine Panel Discussion on March 9

Arizona cohort leaders of the All of Us℠ Research Program/Precision Medicine Initiative and the deans of the University of Arizona Colleges of Medicine in Tucson and Phoenix will hold a PMI Panel Discussion on Thursday, March 9, at 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the fifth floor auditorium, Room 5403. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your questions. Faculty are asked to RSVP by March 7…

University of Utah Pulmonary Chief Addresses Winter Lung Series Conference

University of Utah pulmonary chief Robert Paine, MD, was the presenter Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Winter Lung Series Conference in UA College of Medicine – Tucson Room 8403. His topic was “Oxygen, Pulmonary Innate Immunity and Goldilocks—What Happens When Things Aren’t Right”…

Combined WLSC/DOM Research Seminar, March 9, to Feature Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Expert

Dr. Serpil Erzurum, a world-renowned translational physician-scientist on respiratory diseases from Case Western University and the Cleveland Clinic, is the speaker for a now combined event that merges the Winter Lung Series Conference (WLSC) and DOM Research Seminar Series lectures, noon-1 p.m., March 9, in Room 5403 of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson…

See BUMG Newsletter for Doc Video Profiles, Cerner Champions and Critical Care Training

Visit the Banner Health YouTube Channel for physician profile videos on 42 Banner – University Medical Group doctors (with more to come), physician champions step up for the Cerner transition in June and “The Practice of Advanced Critical Care,” a sim-based training event at the COM-Phoenix Center for Simulation & Innovation will be Feb. 17-18—these are only a few items you may have missed in the BUMG Wildcat Connection newsletter…

Two New Divisions at UA Health Sciences Target Precision Medicine Remedies via Advanced Genetic, Genomic Research

Drs. Gene Bleecker and Deb Meyers—pioneers in research and application of personalized medicine in respiratory disease based on advances in translational genetic studies—have been recruited from Wake Forest University to head related divisions in the University of Arizona Department of Medicine and the UA Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine...

Free February Doc Talks Off to Great Start with Dr. Kraft Address on Asthma

Nearly 50 people attended the initial address in the new Banner – UMC “Doc Talk: The Future of Medicine” lecture series, which kicked off Feb. 2 in Phoenix with Dr. Monica Kraft speaking about a cure for asthma. Alzeheimer’s researcher Dr. Eric Reiman is the lead-off speaker in the Tucson series that starts Tuesday at the Westin La Paloma, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Twice the number of people have pre-registered for the event. All lectures are free and food and beverages are provided…

First-Ever PI Research Poster Night by Department of Medicine Pulls in 100 Attendees

The inaugural PI Poster Session to showcase research and collaborative opportunities of principal investigators in the UA Department of Medicine on Jan. 17 at Kiewit Auditorium in the UA Cancer Center’s Leon F. Levy Building, 1515 N. Campbell Ave., was a smashing success with nearly 100 people attending…

UA Research, Expertise Had Global Impact in '16—including on Health

Over the past year, the University of Arizona changed the way people view the world, as reflected by news generated here. Among these stories are UA research into better understanding asthma, our inclusion in the White House Precision Medicine Initiative, apps for concussions and tracking the Zika virus, AIDS spread across North America, birth-years and odds you’ll get the flu, BMI’s effect on your brain and more…

Chances for Collaboration, Training to Abound at DOM’s First PI Research Poster Night, Jan. 17

The UA Department of Medicine will host an inaugural Principal Investigators (PI) Poster Session on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in Kiewit Auditorium at the UA Cancer Center. You’ll see a broad taste of the work by faculty physicians and researchers who serve as PIs for numerous federal-grant-supported and otherwise funded projects. Come learn about opportunities for collaboration as well as research training for fellows, residents and students…

A Physicians Picked for National Advisory Board of SPS 2017 Telehealth Conference

The Telemedicine and Telehealth Service Provider Showcase (SPS) conference picks three UA physicians among 25 national telemedicine thought leaders and health-care innovators to lead its third event in Phoenix this October. Among them are Dr. Joe Alpert, editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Medicine, Dr. Dan Derksen, Arizona Center for Rural Health director, and Dr. Joe G.N. “Skip” Garcia, former senior VP for health sciences. UA's Dr. Ron Weinstein, the Arizona Telemedicine Program director, also is the event’s honorary co-chair…

Runners' Brains May Have More Connectivity, UA Research Shows

MRI scans reveal that running may affect the structure and function of the brain in ways similar to complex tasks like playing a musical instrument. UA anthropologist  David Raichlen, PhD, co-designed the study with UA psychologist Gene Alexander, PhD, who studies brain aging and Alzheimer's disease…

UA Team Wins $2M NIH Grant to Study Impact of Sleep, Activity on Diabetes

A team led by Michelle Perfect, PhD, associate professor in the UA College of Education's Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies and a collaborator with the UA Health Sciences Center for Sleep & Circadian Sciences, has been awarded a $2 million grant to study the impact of sleep and daily routines on care for youths with Type 1 diabetes…

Photos, Video Available on DOM Research Seminars, PMI Town Hall, Sleep Center Open House

Excellent turnout for recent UA Department of Medicine academic events includes the last two DOM Research Seminar Series (Dec. 8 & Nov. 10) with Drs. Cristine Berry, Larry Mandarino, Louise Hecker and Sai Parthasarathy, the DOM Precision Medicine Town Hall, Dec. 7, and an open house for the new UA Health Sciences Center for Sleep & Circadian Sciences, Dec. 2. See photo galleries and links to archived video of those that were livestreamed as webcasts, too…

BizTucson Articles in 2016 Highlight Banner Construction, Dr. Weill, Big Data

Banner – UMC’s $400 million hospital tower and $100 million outpatient center,  evolution of  UA Center for Integrative Medicine’s Dr. Andrew Weill from health guru to brand showman, and the confluence of big data and health care with Cyverse’s second $50 million NSF grant are among top stories of the year in BizTucson. Others spotlight Tech Launch, COM – Phoenix Biomedical Sciences Building, diabetes, cancer and precision medicine research funding, and a Sarver Family legacy…

DOM Faculty Expected to Attend Town Hall Meeting on Precision Medicine Initiative, Dec. 7

SAVE THE DATE: The UA Department of Medicine will host a “Town Hall Faculty Meeting” on Wed., Dec. 7, 5:15-6:15 p.m., in UAHS 5403 to discuss our role in the White House Precision Medicine Initiative® (PMI). The program is split into an initial presentation followed by breakout into focus groups for further discussion. It will be led by Drs. Monica Kraft, DOM chair, and Akinlolu Ojo, PMI lead principal investigator…

DOM Physicians, Investigators Prolific with Published Papers around the Globe in 2016

With topics ranging from progesterone receptor blocking in breast cancer to epidural corticosteroid injections for radiculopathy and spinal stenosis, authors from the UA Department of Medicine—whether faculty physicians, fellows, residents, post-docs or students interested in internal medicine—have been very busy in the latter half of 2016. Articles, case studies and more were published in everything from the New England Journal of Medicine to the British Medical Journal… 
