
UA Cancer Researchers Push New Frontiers in Immunotherapy

Teaser image for UA Fast Forward - Medicine: Immunotherapy – Cancer's New Frontier

Drs. Daruka Mahadevan (left) and Eric Weterings examine cancer cells in a petri dish. Dr. Mahadevan is director of the UA Cancer Center Early Phase Clinical Trials Program. (All photos by Kris Hanning/UAHS, ABOR, BioCommunications, unless noted)

Your immune system never sleeps. Every moment of the day, immune cells monitor your body for disease, calling for backup when they detect a threat. It's a system that works elegantly — most of the time. It's not foolproof; if it were, we would never get cancer in the first place.

Physician Well-Being in Academic Medicine

Drs. Noshene Ranjbar and Mari Ricker will present the current state of physican burnout and well-being in academic medicine and concrete actions that you can take in order to improve your own well-being and that of those around you.  They will describe the risk factors for burnout, contributing factors, how to identify signs of burnout in others, and what to do if you find yourself in a state of burn out. The presentation will be interactive and you will leave with tools that you can take back to your team.


SBIR/STTR Funding – Arizona Regional Summit


The Federal funding programs Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), provide over $2.6 billion each year for R&D to qualified small businesses. These grants can provide non-dilutive funding that can bring both capital and opens doors.

Learn about these opportunities, talk with experienced companies and connect with networks to navigate the complex process.


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