
Community Outreach

Within the Division of Cardiology and the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, we are passionate about training and educating clinical professionals and the public about the latest in cardiovascular disease and prevention research, guidelines and best practices for cardiovascular disease care, resuscitation techniques in the event of a cardiac arrest, and ways to promote a heart healthy lifestyle as a preventative measure to cardiovascular disease.

Patient Care

The cardiologists in the Division of Cardiology can provide expert care for all forms of heart disease. Our teams work with patients to offer the latest in preventive treatment, can provide comprehensive treatment for all forms of heart disease with the goal of optimizing outcomes, and are involved in the latest research often providing access to new treatments not yet widely available.


The curriculum within the Division of Cardiology and the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center includes cutting-edge educational and training opportunities in clinical cardiovascular medicine and cardiovascular research for undergraduate and medical students, residents and fellows.

Message from the Chief

The United States of America is an aging nation, and given that age is a significant risk factor for heart disease, this demographic looms large as we plan future cardiovascular medicine services at the University of Arizona Division of Cardiology, UA Sarver Heart Center and Banner – University Medical Center clinical facilities in Tucson. Nationally, 20 percent of the population is age 60 or older. Statewide, that figure is projected to hit 25 percent by 2020. The implications are enormous for cardiovascular disease patient care, prevention education and workforce development. Read on to learn more about how we’re working together to address it…

Hesham Sadek, MD, PhD
Chief, Division of Cardiology
Director, Sarver Heart Center


Research is an integral component to advancing patient care within the University of Arizona Division of Cardiology and the UA Sarver Heart Center.


The Division of Cardiology includes nationally recognized faculty in cardiovascular medicine, heart failure and transplant cardiology, advanced coronary and structural interventions, cardiac imaging, resuscitation sciences, and electrophysiology. These physicians and physician scientists are committed to advancing patient care, collaborating with basic scientists to bridge bench-to-bedside knowledge and pursuing multidisciplinary and cutting edge clinical and population research in cardiovascular disease.


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