

Research is an integral component to advancing patient care within the University of Arizona Division of Cardiology and the UA Sarver Heart Center.


The Division of Cardiology includes nationally recognized faculty in cardiovascular medicine, heart failure and transplant cardiology, advanced coronary and structural interventions, cardiac imaging, resuscitation sciences, and electrophysiology. These physicians and physician scientists are committed to advancing patient care, collaborating with basic scientists to bridge bench-to-bedside knowledge and pursuing multidisciplinary and cutting edge clinical and population research in cardiovascular disease.

The University of Arizona Holds Novel Life-Saving Cardiac Resuscitation Training for EMS Professionals

Every day, more than 15 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest outside the hospital in Arizona.  The University of Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center has made tremendous strides in saving lives by translating basic science advancements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) research into action by emergency providers.

Community Education Program, ‘We’ve Got the Beat: An Update on Atrial Fibrillation’ to be held Oct. 17

[We've Got the Beat logo]

[We've Got the Beat logo]It’s a condition that affects 2 to 3 million people and is related to about one-fifth of all strokes in the United States. The number of people with atrial fibrillation is projected to increase to 12 million by 2050 as the population ages. If you have atrial fibrillation or know someone who does, you’re not alone.


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