General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Patient-Ordered Tests Indicate Valley Fever Uptick in State, UA Infectious Diseases Specialist Says

TUCSON, Ariz. – Results of patient-ordered tests for Valley fever are showing disease activity, indicating a possible second spike in cases of the respiratory ailment since last fall when the first spike was reported by University of Arizona infectious diseases specialists to have occurred.

Success Story: The Journal Telemedicine and e-Health Profiles Arizona Telemedicine Program’s National 2017 Service Provider Showcase

The renowned Arizona Telemedicine Program (ATP), established in 1996 at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, came up against a workforce roadblock in 2013.

Hospitals, clinics and other health-care organizations did not know how to connect with the physicians, nurses and other health professionals who were available to help meet the organizations' telehealth needs.

UA Cancer Center Partners with Nation’s Top Cancer Centers To Endorse Goal to Eliminate HPV-Related Cancers in U.S.

Nearly 80 million Americans — 1 of every 4 — are infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). Of those millions, more than 31,000 will be diagnosed with an HPV-related cancer this year. Despite those staggering figures, HPV vaccination remains low in the United States.


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