General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
UA Cancer Center’s Dr. Tim Bowden Fondly Remembered As Gifted Scientist, Teacher and Mentor
George Timothy “Tim” Bowden, PhD, a professor emeritus at the University of Arizona Cancer Center and a founding member of the Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, died May 15 after a lengthy battle with Parkinson’s disease.
Diane Bowden, his wife of more than 50 years, was at his side.
New University of Arizona Dermatology Chief Residents Announced for 2018-19
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
TOPIC: "Root Cause Analysis (RCA)"
SPEAKER: Drs. Morgan Bailey & Richard Young
South Campus GME Scholarly Day Spreads the Wealth on 2018 Awards
Tucson Campus Research AHD Winners Present ‘Oral Vignettes’ at Medicine Grand Rounds
Three resident physicians in the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus capped off the Research Academic Half Day poster competition three weeks earlier with presentations during the Medicine Grand Rounds on May 16.
UA Surgeons Developing New Tool to Detect Urine Blockage
SAN FRANCISCO – Physicians at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson are developing a new tool that detects urine, or urethral, blockage. The technique may soon make it easier for patients to test themselves for the condition from the comfort of their own homes.
COM-T News Roundup: Awards Aplenty for Drs. Moynahan, Sussman and Graduating Med Students
Following are a few recent news items culled from the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson website and social media webpages…
“Kevin Moynahan, MD, Named 2018 Alumni of the Year”
May 16, 2018
Enzyme's Movement May Be Key to New Cancer Drugs
Figure 1. Phosphorylation affects fast timescale dynamics at the activation loop of the protein MAPK p38. (Credit: PNAS)
Revealing all the steps required to activate an enzyme called a protein kinase may identify new ways to target cancer, according to new University of Arizona-led research.