General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

UA Study Finds Link Between Sleep Loss, Nighttime Snacking, Junk Food Cravings and Obesity

Nighttime snacking and junk food cravings may contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors and represent a potentia [Text Box: Nighttime snacking and a craving for junk food may contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors and represent a link between poor sleep and obesity, a UA Health Sciences study has found.

Cervical Cancer May Be Driven by Imbalance in Vaginal Bacteria, UA Research Finds

by Anna C. Christensen, UA Cancer Center

PHOENIX – Virtually all cervical cancers are caused by HPV, or human papillomavirus, dubbed the “common cold” of sexually transmitted infections because nearly every sexually active person catches it. Fortunately, the immune system vanquishes the majority of HPV infections, with only a small percentage progressing to precancer and, ultimately, cancer. But why do some people clear the infection while others are unable to fight it?

2018 “Lura Hanekamp” Dedicated Staff Awards for Excellence

Please mark your calendars to join us in Kiewit Auditorium for dessert and mocktails starting at 1 p.m. College of Medicine – Tucson employees are invited to attend this very special awards presentation of the 2018 "Lura Hanekamp" Dedicated Staff Awards for Excellence.

All nominees will be honored at this employee recognition event. A monetary award will be presented to three (3) COM-T employees of either staff or appointed personnel status. The 2018 nominees include:

Welcome Reception Honoring Senior Vice President for Health Sciences Michael Dake, MD

See images below from the reception, courtesy of UAHS BioCommunications photographer Kris Hanning.

UA President Dr. Robert C. Robbins will host a welcome reception honoring incoming Senior Vice President for Health Sciences Dr. Michael Dake.

Please RSVP:

A reception in Phoenix will be held on June 21.


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