General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Healthy Together Care Partnership (HTCP)

HTCP began in early 2013 as an interprofessional care team created within the University of Arizona Health Network (now the Banner – University Medicine Division of Banner Health) in collaboration with the University of Arizona Health Plans (UAHP), the UA Center on Aging and the UA Health Sciences colleges. The goal — to improve care for vulnerable UAHP dual Medicare/Medicaid eligible members who receive their primary care from a UAHN provider.

Patient Care

The Division of General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine provides comprehensive general treatment for adults of all ages and specialized care for older adults and those suffering from serious health conditions.


Aging is the quintessential interdisciplinary issue, cutting across basic sciences, cognitive, clinical/translational and health services research — invigorating and bridging research across the campus, across colleges and across the state. Remarkably, the aging process itself – what actually happens on the biochemical, genetic, cellular and physiologic levels remains largely unknown.


The Division of General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine is committed to interdisciplinary approaches in medical and postgraduate medical education. We encourage the exchange of scholarly and creative thought among faculty, students and health care professionals with the understanding that all adults deserve thoughtful, compassionate care suitable to their values and whatever stage in life they find themselves.


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