General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Living Healthy With Arthritis – Tucson Lecture Series: ‘Causes & Cures of Orthopedic Conditions’
Immune rejuvenation could pave the way for healthier aging
Friday Frontiers in Biomedical Science: ‘Fibrosis, Collagen 7 and Matrix Transport’
19th Annual Frontiers in Immunobiology & Immunopathogenesis Symposium
Frontiers in Immunobiology
Immunobiology Seminar: ‘Innate immune determinants of tissue tolerance & inflammation in the GI tract’
The Immunobiology Seminar Series presents:
“Innate immune determinants of tissue tolerance and inflammation in the GI tract”
Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 - 11 a.m. to Noon
Roy P. Drachman Hall, Room B111
1295 N. Martin Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Presenter Details
Creating a Sustainable Model for Migrant Healthcare
Brought to you by the Arizona Telemedicine Program and the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center:
CHAMPS: SEAHEC Casa Alitas Migrant Healthcare Program
– “Creating a Sustainable Model for Migrant Healthcare”
Metabolic Networks as Functional Biomarkers of Parkinson’s Disease
Brain imaging has been used extensively to identify and validate disease-specific functional networks as biomarkers in neurodegenerative disorders. Although disease networks are highly reproducible across patient populations, it is not known whether these topographies reflect pathological connectivity patterns that worsen with advancing disease, or beneficial adaptations that may be promoted by treatment.
Adaptive and pathological connectivity responses in Parkinson’s disease brain networks
Brain imaging has been used extensively to identify and validate disease-specific functional networks as biomarkers in neurodegenerative disorders. Although disease networks are highly reproducible across patient populations, it is not known whether these topographies reflect pathological connectivity patterns that worsen with advancing disease, or beneficial adaptations that may be promoted by treatment.