Unlocking Healing Narratives: The Transformative Power of Storytelling in Health Care
Tuesday, February 13 | Health Sciences Innovation Building and virtually via Zoom
Tuesday, February 13 | Health Sciences Innovation Building and virtually via Zoom
Learning objectives:
⊲ Describe the development and design of the AZ CoVHORT
⊲ Describe the risk factors of Long CoVID
⊲ Describe the current trends for developing Long CoVID
Kristen Pogreba-Brown, PhD, MPH
Brought to you by the Arizona Telemedicine Program
This session will provide you with an understanding of:
Have a grant application underway and need some feedback?
Wafik S. El-Deiry, MD, PhD, FACP
Director, Legorreta Cancer Center at Brown University
Director, Joint Program in Cancer Biology
Associate Dean, Oncologic Sciences
Read more
In this Department of Translational Neurosciences guest seminar, Laura Rupprecht, PhD, from Duke University will deliver a talk titled "A gut cell for food reward."
CME Information: There are no CME credits associated with this seminar.
Presenter Details
Laura Rupprecht, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, The Laboratory of Gut-Brain Neurobiology
Department of Medicine, Duke University
The Department of Immunobiology presents:
Flyer for this event: 2024_symposium_flyer.pdf
This presentation will address the misconceptions surrounding aging and explore the challenges and opportunities for optimal aging.
Cellular and Molecular Medicine Seminar Series
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024 Noon-1 p.m. | Keating (BIO5), Room 103
Presenter Details
Po Hein Ear, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology and Endocrine Surgery
University of Iowa
Host: Nathan Ellis, PhD - naellis@arizona.edu
Biological and Biomedical Seminars
College of Medicine – Tucson
Please join us to learn more about summer and year-round cancer research training opportunities at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. We have funding opportunities for each stage of your academic training and in your early career as a scientist or clinician. The University of Arizona Cancer Center Cancer Prevention and Control, Cancer Biology, and Clinical and Translational Oncology Programs all have exciting opportunities to share.