Hematology and Oncology

Tucson Transplant Symposium

Join us in learning more about kidney transplantation from leading experts in the field.

This event is open to nephrologists, primary care physicians, and other providers and support staff caring for patients with chronic and end-stage kidney disease in southwest Arizona and beyond. It presents a valuable learning opportunity for all involved in the care of these patients.

Dr. Bijin Thajudeen: What it takes to be a DEI champion

[Collage of photos of Bijin Thajudeen, MD, DEI champion for the Department of Medicine at the College of Medicine – Tucson: Dr. Thajudeen with a patient (main image), Dr. Thajudeen looking at a slide in a microscope (top of three images on right); Dr. Thajudeen at a DOM DEI Mixer hosted in August 2023 (center); and Dr. Thajudeen in the lobby of Banner – UMC Tucson, where he is medical director of the Division of Nephrology inpatient dialysis unit.]

Dr. Bijin Thajudeen, DEI champion for the Department of Medicine and a professor in the Division of Nephrology (pictured fifth from right), helped coordinate a DOM Diversity, Equity & Inclusion mixer in August 2023 to welcome students, residents and fellows back for the fall semester’s start. UAHS and COM-T DEI leaders Francisco Moreno, MD, and Celia Valenzuela, MD, (fifth and sixth from the left) were special guests.


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