Hematology and Oncology

2nd Annual UAHS-Banner Precision Medicine Symposium

2nd Annual UA Health Sciences/Banner Precision Medicine Symposium


  • Joshua Denny, MD, MS, Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medicine, Vanderbilt University
  • James Evans, MD, PhD, Byron Distinguished Professor of Genetics and Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

AM Session: Precision Medicine in the Clinic
PM Session: Pharmacogenomics

CME & CPE Credits Available

South Campus Residents Push Health Care Jobs for the Underprivileged at April 11 Career Fair

Two UA College of Medicine Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus physicians and Victoria Murrain, DO, assistant dean for graduate medical education at the UA College of Medicine at South Campus, appear in the broadcast of “Morning Blend” on KGUN9 TV channel today, April 6, to tout “A Pathway to Success” — a career fair for high school students at Banner – UMC South to explore jobs

April is Donate Life Month – Help Ensure Availability of More Hearts, Sign Up to Be a Donor Today!

April—or National Donate Life Month—is a great time to remind everyone to talk with their loved ones about organ donation and to complete a registration form. Yet, only about 2,000 hearts are donated each year, and with far more heart-failure patients who need help, there are not enough donor hearts to go around.

Sickle Cell, Congenital Heart Disease Focus of UA Researcher NIH Awards Worth Nearly $5.21M

Two UA College of Medicine – Tucson faculty members within the Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine, Ankit A. Desai, MD, and Stephen M. Black, PhD, have been awarded separate R01 research grants valued at more than $5 million combined from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, a unit of the National Institutes of Health, to study cardiovascular disease.


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