During the initial period of clinical experience, fellows familiarize themselves with various research opportunities. Fellows in Pulmonology/Critical Care pursue a research project during the second and third years of their training.
This project can be in either clinical or bench research. Selection of a project is guided by consultation with the Fellowship director and other members of the Division.
The research progress of the fellow during the second and third years of fellowship is monitored and facilitated through biannual presentations before a Scholarship Committee.
Find Out More
For additional information, contact the Fellowship program director, manager or coordinator.
You can also visit the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine’s Research homepage, as well as the Department of Medicine’s Research homepage.
For more information about research at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, click here.
For current UA clinical research studies accepting subjects, click here.
For research specific to respiratory issues, please visit the UA Health Sciences Asthma & Airways Disease Research Center website: lungresearch.arizona.edu