Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Banner Debuts New North Campus Clinics Building ahead of Dec. 28 Opening

Banner – University Medicine North will open its doors to its first patients on Dec. 28, making state-of-the-art care — in a soothing setting — available to patients in Tucson and across Arizona. 

The three-story, 13-acre outpatient clinic in the new Building 2 is located just east of the University of Arizona Cancer Center – North Campus Peter and Paula Fasseas Cancer Clinic. Specialties will range from cardiology to neurosurgery to rheumatology, with more than 25 specialties available by mid-January.

Rheumatology TeleECHO Clinic Meeting – Arizona Telemedicine Program

ATP Rheumatology TeleECHO Clinic Meeting (TeleECHO Clinic)
Thursday, Jan. 4, 2018 | 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. MST (Mountain Standard Time)

Any Arizona healthcare provider with an interest in rheumatology is welcome to join. There is no cost to join the rheumatology teleECHO clinic.

How to participate in the ATP rheumatology teleECHO clinic:

IMB Research Seminar – ‘Genetically Intractable’ Bacteria

The University of Arizona Department of Immunobiology Presents:

“Genetic Analysis of ‘Genetically Intractable’ Bacteria”


Raphael Valdivia, PhD
Professor and Vice Dean for Basic Science, Duke University Medical Center

Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 | Noon-1 p.m.
Medical Research Building, Room 102

This event is part of the IMRB Research Seminar series of lectures.


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