Translational and Regenerative Medicine

‘Feeding Your Genome’ Just the Ticket for Nutritional Health, Feb. 22-24

The UA Department of Nutritional Sciences is hosting a conference offering the latest research and practical approaches in the emerging field of precision nutrition and health.

Our genes can predispose us to certain diseases, while epigenetic (non-genetic) factors in our environment can influence gene expression in health and disease — and, according to research, even change how our DNA works.

Medicine Grand Rounds

TOPIC: “The Fat Exam”
SPEAKER: Karen Herbst, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism), Medical Imaging and Pharmacy Practice-Science, and Director, Treatment, Research and Education of Adipose Tissue Program, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson


Medicine Grand Rounds

TOPIC: “The Impact of the Vagus Nerve on Cardiovascular Health and Longevity”
SPEAKER: Richard L. Verrier, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard’s H.T. Chan School of Public Health; Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and Cardiovascular Division, Harvard Thorndike Electrophysiology Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston



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