San Diego Gastroenterologist to Present at DOM Research Seminar as Guest Lecturer
Dr. Jesús Rivera-Nieves discusses translational research related to inflammatory bowel disease. To view an archived video of his presentation, click here.
Dr. Jesús Rivera-Nieves discusses translational research related to inflammatory bowel disease. To view an archived video of his presentation, click here.
Speaker: Christine Seidman, MD, Harvard University
Topic: "Genetics of Cardiomyopathy: Getting to the Heart of the Matter"
SPEAKER: Eyal Oren, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona
TOPIC: "Targeting Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Southern Arizona"
Find great holiday gifts to give to friends and family and help our patients, too!
Proceeds benefit the UA Cancer Center Patient Assistance Fund.
To be held on heated patio at Ronald McDonald House, 2155 E. Allen Road—UA Cancer Center North Campus' neighbor* to the east just off Campbell Avenue.
Hope you can stop by!
* Just a short walk from North Campus parking lot. As Ronald McDonald House parking lot is closed, they recommend street parking outside the house.
Questions?: Call Kristin Uribe, Patient Advocate, UA Cancer Center, 520-694-9004
The first speaker in the Winter Lung Series Conferences, the world-renowned Nicholas Hill, MD, gave his presentation today in Room 8403 of the College of Medicine – Tucson.
By Monica Kraft, MD | Chair, Department of Medicine, UA College of Medicine – Tucson
It’s been an exciting year in the Department of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson with a number of major accomplishments to our credit.
As the inaugural chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, Michael B. Fallon, MD, FACP, has a clean slate and a clear vision.
An inaugural research poster night event to recognize work across the UA Department of Medicine by faculty physicians and researchers who serve as principal investigators on numerous projects financed by federal grants and additional funding to develop innovative therapies and other solutions to many of the world’s most challenging and debilitating medical issues.
Banner - University Medical Group Town Hall
All members of Banner – University Medical Group are invited to attend a special year-end Town Hall next week in Phoenix or Tucson. Leaders of the faculty practice plan will discuss performance improvement efforts, the compensation plan, the transition to Cerner EHR in Tucson in 2017 and other important topics.
Banner – UMC Tucson
4-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13, DuVal Auditorium
The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation is offering a free webinar, Wednesday, Dec. 14, on “Anti-Inflammatory Medications” as part of its PFF Disease Education Webinar Series.