Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Sign Up: Free After Work ONLINE National Diabetes Prevention Program Starting January 12.

Join a new ONLINE Diabetes Prevention Program group starting now! The nationally-certified DPP (Diabetes Prevention Program) is a best-practice program for people who are at high risk for getting type 2 diabetes. This program is completely ONLINE with focus on weight management and physical activity. All meetings are conducted on a confidential, HIPAA-compliant platform.

Virtual Faculty Industry Networking Event

Come and mingle virtually with representatives from biotech, biomedical, and life science companies to pursue potential collaborations, including the commercialization of your innovation/research findings!

FINE connects university and industry innovators in life sciences, medicine, engineering, computer & information sciences, with companies to move innovations, products and ideas towards commercialization.

FINE will offer concrete opportunities towards building partnerships, including but not limited to pursuing SBIR/STTR** funding.

Health Disparities in Advanced Heart Failure Treatment – Intersection of Race and Sex

TUCSON, Ariz. – Physicians revealed biases affecting women, particularly African American women, when evaluating heart failure patients for advanced heart disease therapies such as heart transplants and ventricular assist devices (VADs), according to recently published research led by the Sarver Heart Center at the University of Arizona Health Sciences.

UArizona Researchers Detangle Protein Interaction Implicated in Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s

TUCSON, Ariz. – From the movement of a finger to the creation of a memory, actions of the human body require the harmonious concert of protein interactions. A system of checks and balances ensures proper coordination of biomolecules, but when the scale is tipped, lopsided molecular relationships can lead to disorders and diseases. Discovering how proteins interact with one another under ideal conditions is critical to understand what goes awry in disease states, and to inform novel prevention and treatment strategies.


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